A ribbon cutting/installation was held Saturday for the Trail HANDS project.
Five hands, designed by five local artists, were permanently installed in parks in Patrick communities on June 1, to coincide with National Trails Day.
Artist Pepper Martin’s hand titled “All Trails Lead to Home” was installed at the Reynolds Homestead in Critz.
“Mountain Leaves,” by Sarah Reyburn, graces the Dan River Park in Ararat.
Artist Grace Helms’ hand was installed at the Mountain Top Park in Meadows of Dan. It is titled “Making Music at the Farm.”
“Reflection,” by Joyce Wray was installed at the IC Dehart Park in Woolwine.
Nancy Clark’s project, titled “The Family Feeling of Patrick County,” adorns the Mayo River Trail in Stuart.
HANDS is an acronym for Heritage, Art, Nature, Dreams and Stories; Trail HANDS is an Air Shift project supported by Virginia Tech and the Tourism Advisory Council, with donations from Clark Gas and Oil and Mattie B’s. The Trail Hands group also partnered with Bull Mountain Arts, the Dan River Basin Association and the Patrick County Tourism department.

Reflection, by Joyce Wray

Mountain Leaves, by Sarah Reyburn