Thirty-two boys competed in Cub Scout Pack 69’s annual Pinewood Derby Race on Saturday, March 19 at the Patrick Springs Primary School with a large crowd of family members and friends in attendance.
Scouts made the traditional wooden cars to exact specifications and raced them down the sloped track with gravity serving as the only source of power. Cars came in a variety of colors, shapes and forms.
Winners earned trophies and medals. Each Scout received a participant ribbon and certificate and learned about sportsmanship.
Cub Scout Pack 69 Pinewood Derby overall winners were: first place, Payton Stovall; second place, Kyle Handy; third place, Hunter Heath. Winners of each Den were: Tiger Den: first place, Reid Corns; second place, Jude Spangler; third place Mason Cassell. Wolf Den: first place, Glenn Stovall, second place, Wesley Fulcher; third place, Christian Hylton. Bear Den: first place, Hunter Heath; second place, Chance Corns; third place, Hody Jones. Weblos I: first place, Kyle Handy; second place, Colby Layman. Webelos II: first place, Payton Stovall; second place, Ty Stowe; third place, Levi Spangler.