The Colonel Abram Penn Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution met Monday, May 9, in the fellowship hall of Stuart Presbyterian Church, Stuart, Virginia.
Regent Janice Stanley presided over the meeting.
Patrick County Master Gardener Norma Bozenmayer presented a program on the importance of pollinators and the impact they have on our lives and environment.
Regent Stanley welcomed new member Sheree Russo to the chapter.
During the business meeting officers for the 2022-2025 term of office were inducted.
Betty Banks administered the oath of office. The following officers were installed: Chapter Regent Ann McConnell, First Vice Regent Janice Stanley, Second Vice Regent Lucy Rudd, Treasurer Betty Banks, Recording Secretary Betty Banks, Corresponding Secretary Lucy Rudd, Registrar Sheree Russo, Chaplain Diane Ross,
Historian Diane Ross, Librarian Sheree Russo and Parliamentarian Janice Stanley.