Del. Wren Williams is among the top 20 Virginia House of Delegates candidates who received campaign funds for the Nov. 7 election.
Williams, R-Stuart, is ranked 16 according to the Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP) website. In the Republican Party he is ranked sixth, only $1,663 behind the candidate ranked fifth.
Del. Marie March, R-Floyd, his opponent in the June primary for the newly drawn 47th District, is not ranked within the top 100.
According to the VPAP website, as of March 31, Williams has raised $76,787 from 113 different people or organizations. As of Jan. 1, he had a starting balance of $21,755.
Seventy-three of Williams’ donors gave cash contributions of more than $100, and 40 gave cash contributions of $100 or less.
The largest contribution came from the VA Hospital & Healthcare Association for a total of $16,000. Williams received donations of $5,000 from five donors including Sheree Nickelston, Warren Lee Williams, and Buddy E. Williams.
A donation of $1,500 was given by the VA Auto Dealers Association, the Southern VA Legal PLLC gave a donation of $250, and Angels Above Design LLC contributed $45.
Clayton Kendrick, chairman of the Patrick County Board of Supervisors and of the Mayo River District, gave a donation of $250, and Clyde DeLoach, fellow supervisor of the Blue Ridge District, donated $25 to Williams.
March received $3,847 from 49 different donors. She received seven donations of cash contributions of more than $100 and 41 donations of cash contributions of $100 or less.
March’s largest donation is $1,000 from the Appalachian Power Company.
Patty Quesenberry, D-Floyd, the Democratic candidate, has reported no contributions received.
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