The Ararat Ruritan Club recently made donations in their community to volunteer rescue squads.

Vice-President Michael Noonkester presented checks to the Ararat Volunteer Rescue Squad and the Blue Ridge Volunteer Rescue Squad.
Accepting on behalf of their respective squads were Mike Fulk and Billy Aldridge. Both of these squads are in the Dan River District and service the Ararat and Willis Gap communities and provide mutual aid in Patrick County.
Fundraisers held by the Ararat Ruritan Club allows it to make presentations not only to the rescue squads, but also to other causes throughout the community. The club holds an in-person bingo and a virtual raffle fundraiser monthly. They hold several annual fundraisers, such as an ad book campaign that coincides with the BBQ/Cruise-in, which is coming up on Saturday, October 22 from noon to 6 p.m. on the club grounds. A Christmas cash giveaway is drawn in December with a grand prize of $1,000.

The club recently joined forces with the other three clubs in the county for a display at the Patrick County Agricultural Fair. The display highlighted fundraising and community events held by the Ararat, Meadows of Dan, Patrick Springs, and Red Bank Ruritan clubs. If you are interested in learning more about these clubs or have an interest in starting one in your community, contact any Ruritan for information.
The Ararat Ruritan Club can be reached via email at and has an up-to-date Facebook page.