Rodney Boyd was among the donors at a recent blood drive in Ararat.
The Ararat Ruritan Club’s Blood Drive on July 31 was a success, according to Pamela and Kevin Smith schedulers and directors. There were 23 donors, eight of which were walk-ins, out of all seven did not meet requirements.
This is just one of the ways Ararat Ruritan’s help in the Community and as an outreach to others. The
next scheduled drive is Tuesday, October 19, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The club meets monthly on the First Thursday of each month, 7 p.m., at the Ruritan Building, with a covered dish supper.
To learn more, call (276) 229-6931, (276) 229-6493, or email araratruritanclub@gmail.com.