The Colonel Abram Penn Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution met February 12,2024 in the fellowship hall of Stuart Presbyterian Church. Ann McConnell, Chapter Regent, presided with four members present.
In honor of Black History Month, “Black Heroes of the American Revolution” was the topic for the program presented by Regent McConnell. Historians estimate that between 5,000 to 8,000 African-descended people participated in the Revolution on the Patriot side, and that upward of 20,000 served the crown. Monday’s program focused on seven exceptional African American figures: among the seven are a martyr, a poet, and a double agent.
A business meeting followed the DAR Ritual. Chapter member, Betty

Banks was recognized for her twenty-five year membership in the DAR and the Colonel Abram Penn Chapter, where she has held many offices including Chapter Regent.
The Oath of Membership was administered to Beth Wood Witt as the Chapter’s newest member.
Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, who can prove a lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution is eligible to join the DAR. For more information contact nammcconnell@yahoo.com or visit www.dar.org.