By Duane Via, Activities Director

It’s hard to believe that time goes by so fast. It just seems that we got over Christmas and now we will be celebrating Easter here at Blue Ridge on April 15 with our annual Easter Egg Hunt.
The residents of Blue Ridge and The Landmark Center look forward to seeing all the community children come in to find all the eggs that the residents spent hours on stuffing. They love seeing them get the eggs up and watching them enjoy themselves.
We will be having at least 3,000 eggs in our hunt. There will be two different age groups in the hunts and each hunt will have 1,500 eggs. It seems each year the hunt gets larger and we might have to have more eggs for the growing crowd.
This is one of our favorite community events for our residents to participate in. They enjoy playing the bells for the community and being able to visit with the children and show off their crafts.
During the month of April, before Easter, the residents well be getting ready for the event. They will be busy coloring eggs, stuffing eggs, decorating their Easter bonnets and doing other fun activities related to Easter. We like the residents to do crafts that will decorate the dining room tables and have their arts/crafts on display for our visitors to see.
Each year, we like to look for different ways to color Easter eggs and different snacks to have during these activities. We have some good snacks planned with the use of Peeps.
The residents have been having a good time planning their bus trips this month for April. We will be going to many restaurants and we will start going back to Tin Pin Alley. Many of the residents we have taken to the bowling alley have never bowled in their lives, so this is sometimes a new experience for them and they have so much fun. We also like to have us a snack after we have played our games. Ha, bowling is hard work, it’s exercise—and we have to treat ourselves.
We look forward to seeing you at our Easter Egg Hunt and other events we have planned for the year.