It’s hard to see warm weather come to an end. The residents of Blue Ridge have enjoyed their time outside on the patio this spring and summer. We are still going out in the afternoon when the temperature outside warms up, but it’s not the same as being able to go outside anytime of the day.
As you look around the tops of the trees are starting to turn and some of the maples around the center are losing their leaves. We have been taking the residents out for fall foliage rides on the bus around the Blue Ridge Parkway to look at the scenery and to see the changing foliage. They have enjoyed their rides and talking about places they have visited and showing other residents where their family members live.
Mabry Mill is one of their favorite places to visit. The mill is beautiful any time of the year. We are glad that we are able to take the residents riding on the parkway . Years ago; we couldn’t due to rules and laws about commercial vehicles not being on the parkway. But this is a beautiful time of the year to go there.
As you go by farms you see the last of the season hay rolls in the green fields and the trees turning a bright yellow, orange or red. Patrick County has some beautiful scenery, not just on the parkway but on many roads throughout the county. Sometimes we just take our residents down back roads to see the scenery and many times we are the ones in awe.
The residents really enjoy their time on bus trips. It doesn’t matter if we are shopping, going out to eat, visiting new places or just riding around the county.
We are already stated working on ideas of activities for our residents to do and booking entertainment for the month of December. This is always a very busy time for residents and staff members.
Getting ready for Christmas starts for the activity department on Thanksgiving Day when we start putting up our Christmas trees and decorating the center for the season. Our residents enjoy helping with the decorating and we like to play Christmas carols while we decorate to put us in the Christmas spirit.
Sometimes when we decorate, we will have hot chocolate and cookies for a treat for the residents who have worked hard on decorating their dining room tree.
If you are your group would like to volunteer your talent or do something with our residents during the holiday season, please call so we can put you on the calendar.
We hope to see you during the holiday season, but don’t forget the upcoming Community Halloween Kids’ Night at Blue Ridge Therapy Connection and The Landmark Center. We invite the area children to come to visit with our residents and have a safe Trick or Treat night on October 31 from 6 to 7:30 p.m.