The Patrick County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a resolution honoring Dr. Lock Boyce, who served on the board, in several capacities.
Boyce, a dedicated community servant, died recently.
The board also:
*Discussed creating a new Human Resources position.
*Voted to extend the terms of Public Service Authority (PSA) board members. Terms for Scott Eutsler and Daryl Cockerham were extended for four years. Clayton Kendrick’s term will run through Jan. 2021.
*Heard an update from Steve Terry, chairman of the broadband committee.
*Approved the use of money from the Cares Act Fund to pay hazard pay to deputies in the sheriff’s department and jail workers. These workers will be retroactively paid $4 an hour, beginning April 1 to and continuing through Dec. 30. Funds also were approved to pay $3,343.05 to Transfer Station employees, who have been working overtime due to COVID-19.
At its Aug. 21 meeting, the board voted to extend hazard pay to the paid fire and rescue crews with Patrick County EMS, and to pay Steve Allen, the Emergency Services Coordinator, $2,058.21 from CARES Act funds for comp time he accumulated through July. Allen was also given approval by the board to hire two part-time EMT workers to be paid with federal funds.
The board also updated the county’s military leave policy. Full-time county employees may accrue 120 hours of military leave in a fiscal year. This policy took effect Aug. 21.