The Patrick County School Board honored its 2022-2023 retiring staff at a June 8 meeting.

Schools Superintendent Jason Wood said the 10 retiring staff members had more than a combined 160 years of service.
Retirees include Roger L. Shelton, Sherry L. Hartman, Patricia A. Hiatt, Jewell N. Frogel, Debra B. Nolen, Elizabeth A. Oldfield Hall, Donna M. Foley, Mary Jo Knight, Daniel Wayne Scott, and Donna Gregory.
In other matters, the board:
*Heard from Wayne Archambo, a staff member for the county’s school and a parent to a rising senior.
“First, I would like to thank the school board for your hard work and dedication to your employees. I am amazed at how calm you stay during meetings when the vocal minority speaks mistruths at board meetings,” he said.
While he understands the board has to create a platform for anyone to speak, Archambo said he, other staff members, and parents are tired of the voices of the minority trying to hurt the reputation of the division’s students, staff, and schools.
“Recent comments at board meetings and some social media posts are not helpful in moving our county forward. People need to know how great our students and staff are and when someone states that the staff members are ‘scared’ it is untrue,” he said.
Archambo said the county does not have dangerous schools where anyone would feel unsafe, and he hopes everyone will start to get the facts before they make comments that could be printed in the paper, “especially when their comments were about books being taught in a different state.
“We are proud that Patrick County does not teach anything beyond the standards, and we need to reassure parents and the community that Patrick County leaves controversial topics to be discussed and taught at home, not in our schools,” he said.
Archambo said he was pleased to hear that the division spends less on school administration than what is recommended by the Virginia School Board Association (VSBA) and less percentage wise than the surrounding counties.
He added the comments being posted that school staff have not gotten raises because of school board or office pay are untrue.
“One staff member reminded me that when Mr. Wood took the job as superintendent that he did not replace his previous position. This cost savings was used to provide employees who made less than a teacher a raise in January 2022. Also, in the past two years employees have received a 15 percent increase,” he said.
Archambo also addressed the performance of Wood as superintendent, and noted this is the first year division employees had a say in the evaluation of its superintendent.
“It appears by the decision at last months’ meeting that his evaluation was good, because you approved a contract extension for four years. And on behalf of myself and many others, we agree. He speaks to every employee and truly loves Patrick County Public Schools and our students,” he said.
*Approved the personal report as amended.
*Heard the superintendent’s report.
*Approved the consent agenda.
*Approved the 2023-2024 Consolidated Federal Programs application.
*Approved the 2023-2024 Title III Statewide Consortium application.
Amy Walker, of the Mayo River District, attended the meeting via phone.