The Stokes County Arts Council will feature artist Ken Bridle’s exhibit May 24 through June 20. The theme of this exhibit is “Watercolor on Masa!”
An opening reception will be held on Friday, May 26, 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Apple Gallery, 500 N. Main Street, Danbury, N.C. Admission is free.
Bridle is a conservationist by profession as well as an artist by passion. His vision as an artist grows from his experience and feeds his current interests.
Admiring the artists that documented the flora, fauna and landscapes of the New World during the exploration and colonial period has been a lifelong interest.
In the days before cameras, artistic interpretation of exotic species and locations helped fuel public support for exploration, trade and travel. It was those illustrations that fired the imagination and created the myth of inexhaustible natural resources in the new world.
Over the past three decades, Bridle has spent the majority of his professional career working to promote the conservation and appreciation of natural resources upon which our economy as well as our health and wellbeing depend. He has spent most of his time as a botanist and field ecologist doing inventory and restoration work as a consultant and is currently a stewardship director for the Piedmont Land Conservancy.
Several years ago he had the opportunity to take the Triad Outdoor Painting members out to some Piedmont Land Conservancy project sites. It was then he realized that the “eyes of an artist” can complement the “vision of a scientist.” He was especially attracted to watercolor as a medium because of the light and luminous possibilities that compliment his feelings and nature appreciation. Over the past several years in painting and drawing classes, he has been sharpening his eye for detail and learning techniques.
He believes that art plays a significant role in communication of natural wonder and beauty while helping others to understand nature and care for our shared natural resources. He would like to use his paintings to develop more of these skills. These new artistic skills have improved his observations and have given him new methods to share his love and appreciation of the natural world.
Bridle’s interest in the arts has focused around the Stokes County Arts Council where he has been an active volunteer, board member and past president, supporter and participant in many programs including being master of ceremonies of the Stokes Stomp Festival for many years.
For additional information about this exhibit, please contact the SCAC at (336) 593-8159 or visit