The Broadband Committee and taxpayers of Patrick County appreciate the verbal commitments expressed by the majority of the supervisors to do what you can to provide local matching funds for broadband improvement grants in this budget. We will probably soon learn if the board is really committed to bringing better service to our county when we learn if they budget for internet improvements.
This funding will enable the county to apply for grants which are essential for any rural county seeking to provide adequate broadband services to their citizens and businesses. The taxpayers of Patrick County pay federal and state taxes, a portion of which are used to fund the millions of dollars in grants available for rural broadband improvements. By providing a small percentage of project costs from local taxes we can see significant amounts of our state and federal taxes helping to fund upgrades here. Each grant has specific requirements, but local matching funds of 20 percent are typical. This means that for every dollar the county taxpayers provides, the state or federal agency would provide $5. Virginia has proposed to spend $50 million per year for five years, decreasing to $10 million in the sixth year and then only $5 million in the last three years of the plan. The goal is to assist rural areas all over Virginia to obtain adequate broadband within 10-years. Patrick County funds are tight and will be for several years, but if we do not start to make the commitments necessary to obtain grant funding now while it is available, we may be sealing our fate.
Around 80 percent of our residents have some internet service, but preliminary survey results indicate that service needs to be upgraded all over the county and made available to those who cannot get service now.
Costs for internet service from the telephone company provider are $50 per month, or about $600 per year. Taxpayers and businesses have made it abundantly clear that they want and need better service than is now generally available.
We believe most county taxpayers would be willing to have $10 to $20 per year of their taxes designated as local matching funds for a grant to fund the first phase of a multi-year county-wide broadband upgrade program.
At the last board meeting, citizens detailed many of the compelling and increasing needs for broadband in modern society and how we are being impacted in the county. The large turnout despite inclement weather gave a strong indication of the widespread concerns. We respectfully ask the Board to heed the voices of the taxpayers who are crying out for the many benefits that better broadband service will bring to everyone in the county and budget for a meaningful upgrade project.
Steve Terry,
Chairman, Patrick County Broadband Committee
Meadows of Dan