The Patrick County School Board heard budget updates at its meeting on Thursday, April 11.

Schools Superintendent Jason Wood said the governor has amended the fiscal year (FY) 2024-2025 budget and sent it to the General Assembly for approval.
“As we anticipated, it’s going to be some back and forth, but the good news is the governor left in that 3 percent raise,” he said.
The General Assembly will reconvene later this month to consider the proposal.
“We’re hoping they’re getting closer to a finalized budget so that we are able to start with a budget sooner than we did last year,” he said.
Regarding the FY 2023-2024 budget, Wood said an expected report will help calculate the final average daily membership (ADM).
“So, next week we’ll actually be able to finalize our March 31 ADM, and be able to let the Board of Supervisors know the exact amount that will be owed to the school system and finish up this year’s budget,” he said.
Wood said the division was able to reappropriate some of its grant funds to save with some of its projects to give employees bonuses.
For the bonus, $194,846.50 was used from grant funds while $47,904.25 was used from local funds.
“The performance bonus will be mostly grant-funded. That’s how much of local funds were used to ensure that every employee is able to get that performance bonus,” he said.
In other matters, the board:
*Recognized Patrick County’s Sheriff’s Office Deputy Cameron Adkins for his assistance in getting digital radios and GPS for school buses.
*Heard from John Pendleton, of the PC Rocket Robotics, about LEGO League.
*Approved the consent agenda.
*Heard updates on division projects.
*Approved the Carol Perkins application as presented.
*Approved the policy updates as presented.
*Approved the 2024-2025 Patrick County High School (PCHS) handbook.
*Approved adding LEGO League as a sponsored stipend position for schools. The stipend will include $500 per school allocation.
*Approved personnel report 1 as amended.
*Approved personnel report 2.