Blue Ridge Elementary School’s seventh graders shared an exciting event of a lifetime May 15. Carlos G. Cooper, author of the Benjamin Dragon Series, along with his son Beckett joined the students Monday morning for an unforgettable question and answer session.
Eight-year –old Beckett Cooper added to the event by prompting answers from his dad and making friends with the students.
Cooper’s relationship with the Blue Ridge seventh graders began in August when he gave the class a set of the series’ first book, “The Chronicles of Benjamin Dragon, Awakening.” The novel, Awakening, follows a young boy named Benjamin Dragon “as he discovers his unique ‘gift’ while dealing with the complexities of junior high, friends, bullies, camp and strange visitors.”
Students used such words as awesome, spectacular, amazing, incredible and extraordinary to describe Cooper’s novel and the classroom experience of Benjamin Dragon.
Mrs. Younger, seventh grade English teacher, as well as Principal Sandra Clement, give credit to Cooper’s vision, teaching style and his sincere dedication for the children’s enthusiasm.
Cooper donated the entire series to the BRES library. The books are so popular, Librarian Debra Nolen has a waiting list to check out the books.
Throughout the year school year, Cooper also provided a remarkable, unique writing adventure for students. Using email and video, he “walked” a group a students, who call themselves Team Cooper, through the an in-depth process of writing. This was a unique opportunity. Team Cooper framed a novel and wrote a play.
The seventh graders were amazed that Cooper traveled from Nashville, Tenn., to spend time with them. During the question and answer session, students learned about Cooper’s life and could see bits of his life in Benjamin Dragon.
Cooper was born to a close-knit family with a military history. His grandfather was a Marine; his father was in the Navy and he has brothers serving in the military. Cooper is a graduate of the University of Virginia where he was also a member of the ROTC. Later, he joined the Marines where he was an infantry officer.
Cooper discussed his love for writing and all genres. He said his goal was to write books that a reader could not put down. BRES students know this is exactly what he does.
Cooper has a natural instinct for writing. He brings characters and stories to life. He is an articulate storyteller who has the gift of using words to shape images for the reader. Carlos Cooper is not only a fabulous writer, he is a kind man who cares about and wants to help young people. He knows reading is important. He is a positive role model, an uncompromising patriot, a phenomenal author, and an individual BRES will always remember.
For information, contact Cooper via cg-cooper.com.
Cooper is the author of the following children’s books (novels): the Benjamin Dragon Series: “The Chronicles of Benjamin Dragon, Awakening;” “The Chronicles of Benjamin Dragon, Legacy;” and “The Chronicles of Benjamin Dragon, Genesis.”
He also wrote adult novels: Corps Justice Novels 1-14, Daniel Briggs Novels 1-4, and The Patriot Protocol Series; and short stories “Chosen,” :God Speed,” and “Running.”
Writing under the pseudonym, Simeon Graves he has also written science fiction novels “First Signs” and “The Last Builder.”