By Rebecca Adcock
“That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruin’d choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.”
Shakespeare – Sonnet 73
As we turn our clocks back, we turn more to home and hearth. October was a great month to get out and experience the natural beauty of Patrick County. We really do live in a great place! We are settling into the adjustments, albeit tired of them, but continue. The chamber was busy with events for the remainder of the year. I can’t express enough gratitude to everyone who participated in the scarecrow contest. We ended up with 75 scarecrows. The chamber received several messages from the public on how it really helped to uplift their spirits this year. Stay tuned as we work on a holiday themed project.
The chamber was excited to host the virtual workshop on Historic Tax Credits. We are also starting the process of working with PHCC on the EDA grant. The chamber will be hosting a Business Launch program as part of their grant. Look for applications on the Chamber’s website in December/January with the 8-week bootcamp starting in April. If you have ever thought about opening a business, this program will be for you.
As we move on through November and into the holiday season, we will once again promote Small Business Saturday and the Shop Local initiative. This year more than ever, we need to support our local businesses. Gift cards and donations to our local non-profits make wonderful gifts and help our community.
News about our holiday events are starting to come into the chamber office. We are excited about having the tree lighting, Christmas parade, Mistletoe Market, and other events. While they may be slightly different this year, we hope everyone will enjoy them.
As we move to celebrate friends and family this season, please remain cautious with wearing facemasks, social distancing, and handwashing.