The Ararat Ruritan Club recently made donations to two area organizations. After the covered dish meal, at its September meeting, Ararat Ruritan Club President Kathleen Loveland presented checks to Rhonda Fulcher Pruitt of the Patrick County Food Bank and to Kristie Young Bentley, representing the Stuart Rotary Club Backpack Program. Each representative educated the club on their respective organizations. Each of these organizations serve the students/citizens in the Ararat Community.
Also, during this meeting, Ms. Bentley discussed the Patrick County High School Junior/Senior Beta Club member requirements for community service.
The club had lots of business to address during the monthly meeting, including the upcoming BBQ/Cruise-In. This traditional

annual fundraiser is set for Saturday, October 22, at the club building, located at 4711 Ararat Highway, Ararat VA.
All money raised through fundraising efforts, such as the BBQ, Virtual raffles, and bingo, is funneled back into the community to help causes such as school supplies, Christmas gifts for less fortunate families and the elderly, and the local fire department and rescue squads.
“Our membership is really growing, and I think that is partially because our club is so active in the community, and folks want to be a part of it,” said club Secretary Pamela Smith.
The Ararat Ruritan club meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. for anyone to attend. If you’d like to help serve in your community and there is not an already established Ruritan Club, please contact any Ruritan in Ararat, Meadows of Dan, Patrick Springs or Red Bank for help in getting one started in your area.
The Ararat Ruritan Club building can be rented for your family gatherings, celebrations, etc. For more details, email AraratRuritanClub@gmail.com. More information is also available on the Ararat Ruritan Club Facebook page.