The Col. Abram Penn Chapter, DAR’s five chapter members and five guests at the January meeting were very pleased to host Bob Vogler from Martinsville, Sons of American Revolution Chapter. SAR was founded on April 30, 1899 by a NJ businessman William Osborn McDowell.
Vogler is a member of Col George Waller Chapter which has many similarities to our Daughters of American Revolution Chapter. We share the same mission; patriotism, preservation of records and buildings, and participation in education.
After the Pledge of Allegiance and American Creed, Vogler presented a program in regimental costume. He described the costume as follows:
a. black round, half-cocked hat (brim turned up on one side);
b. fitted wool black jacket with red facing, rank was shown on sleeve;
c. light colored gaited trousers fitted at the ankles with durable ankle spats;
d. a light colored shirt and a simple black “string” tie finished the outfit.
This uniform would have been worn by the more affluent as many soldiers wore what they would have been wearing for everyday use or in special occasions.
Vogler presented a historical slide show including many spots which are now national parks or museums such as Guilford Courthouse and Battle of Yorktown.
Regent Louise Hansen resumed the chapter meeting with minutes from committees. Wanda Shough, registrar, reported completion of another application.
Flo Bell’s health minute told us that a teaspoon of cinnamon daily on food can significantly cut blood sugar levels. Catheryn Vaughn reported in her Indian minute that Native American Clyde Bellecourt founded American Indian Movement to fight against poverty and racism.
In her flag minute Vaughn talked about visiting the Vietnam Wall in Washington, D.C., and about the long, overwhelming list of names and memorials there.
Diane Ross in her conservation minute asked “Why conserve water?” The obvious answer is “It is a simple fact that without water you will die. Water equals life.” Let’s be frugal, conserve water.
The business meeting continued with a reminder that members can contribute to the Constitution Room at the James Madison Estate renovation. This is our State Regent Judith Jones’ project. Members were also reminded to continue reporting volunteer hours.
The meeting adjourned.