Wednesday, Dec. 6
The Patrick County Economic Development Authority (EDA) will meet at 7 p.m. in the Patrick County Administration Building.
Monday, Dec. 11
The Patrick County Board of Supervisors will meet at 6 p.m. in the third-floor court room of the Patrick County Administration Building.
Thursday, Dec. 14
The Patrick County School Board will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the School Board Office.
Sunday, Dec. 10
High Point Baptist Church will hold an Outdoor Christmas Drama with the shows starting at 6 and 7 p.m., 2381 Big A School Rd. Stuart. Rain/Snow Date is December 17. For more information, contact Pastor Wayne Moore at (336) 793-7991.
Tuesday, Dec. 12
The newly formed Breast Cancer Support Group will hold its third monthly meeting at the Carroll County Wellness Center from 6-7 p.m. For more information, contact Rhonda Horton at (276) 733-6877 or via email at
Wednesday, Dec. 13
The Patrick County Community Food Bank will hold a food distribution day at the Stuart site from 8:30-11 a.m. and from 5-6:30 p.m. There will be a morning distribution in Ararat from 8:30-11 a.m., and an evening distribution in Meadows of Dan from 5-6:30 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 14
The Patrick County Senior Citizens Group will hold its December meeting at 11 a.m. in the Hooker Building at Rotary Field in Stuart. Entertainment, a Christmas group sing-a-long, will be led by Phyllis Eastridge and Paula Drady. Grilled chicken breasts and beverages will be provided for the meal. Attendees are requested to bring vegetables and desserts to share with the group.Â
Friday, Dec. 15
The Community Mobile Food Pantry will be at the Fairystone VFD from 3-4 p.m.
The Coffee Break Café hosts live music on Tuesdays from 9 to 11 a.m. Bring an instrument, or just come and listen.Â
The Patrick County Library hosts Story Time with Ms. Sam at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesdays, with books, songs, finger plays, and more. For more information, call (276) 694-3352.
The Patrick County Library will hold the LEGO Club with Ms. Sam on Mondays from 4:30-5:30 p.m. This program is mainly intended for school age children. For more information, call the library at (276) 694-3352.
The Patrick County Quilters’ Sit-N-Sew is held on Saturdays from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Quilted Colors. For more information, call 276-694-3020 or email
The Stuart Elementary School Running Club will hit the pavements along the sidewalks in town on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
The Ararat Ruritan Club holds Rook games on Mondays from 6:30-8 p.m.
The Patrick County Veterans Memorial Honor Guard meets the first Tuesday of every month at the American Legion Post 105 at 7 p.m. Interested veterans are welcome to attend.
Introduction to Zen Meditation and Zen Buddhism at the Blue Ridge Regional Library Stuart site,1:30-2:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays.Â
Messianic Bible Study, Fridays from 6-7:30 p.m. at The Honey Pot, 106 N. Main St., Stuart (across from The Coffee Break). Call (276) 694-2356 for more information.
Last Tuesday of each month, Golden Oldies, Open Jam at Willis Gap Community Center, 144 The Hollow Road, Ararat, with 50s, 60s, 70s Rock and Roll. Doors open at 6 p.m. Music gets underway at 7. Food is available.Â