The cold snap that occurred before Christmas has created a number of water leaks around town, according to Stuart Town Manager Bryce Simmons.
“We know of at least three or four that have been substantial that we have isolated at this point,” he said.
Simmons estimates the town still has approximately 20-30 gallons a minute over the town’s normal overnight flow that have not been identified.
“That could be in a residential area, or through the meter, but we haven’t gotten any reports of a big leak. I think we have found the majority of the big leaks, and now we’re in the process of chasing some of the smaller ones,” he said, adding this always happens when the town deals with a cold snap.
In other matters, the council:
*Approved the minutes as written.
*Heard an update on the waste-water treatment plant.
*Approved the purchase of a check valve for the raw water pump valued at $2,485.89.
*Discussed the Public Works Director position.
*Created a Hiring Committee comprised of all council members.
*Appointed Terry Dalton as vice-mayor.
*Approved giving Rebecca Adcock and Erica Wade authority to sign checks in addition to Dalton and Weiland.
*Approved paying $1,643.40 to replace the outside lights of the Stuart Volunteer Fire Department building.
*Heard a report from the fire department. Wade said the department ran 325 calls for 2022, with the majority being fire and motor vehicle calls. She estimates the calls are down about 60 calls from last year.
“We do leave our district quite a bit to go help other agencies. We have helped every fire department in the county, and every rescue squad that borders us,” she said, and added that elementary school students toured the department last year.
*Discussed the upcoming Patrick County Chamber of Commerce ribbon cuttings for new town business. One will be held on Jan. 25 at 11 a.m. outside Stagecoach Coffee & More and a second at 11:30 a.m. outside State Farm.
*Paid the bills.