The Colonel Abram Penn Chapter, National Society Daughter of American Revolution met at Landmark on April 10 for lunch and an educational program entitled “A view from an artist.” The artist is a Patrick County practicing painter, Greg Arens. is mediums are watercolor, acrylics and oils.
Arens proceeded with a short discussion on the culture of art stating that classical artists such as Michelangelo and others of that period painted mostly for churches and kings.
During some periods in history, art work has been more popular than others. Many artists have been supported by admirers of theirs throughout the ages. Arens has enjoyed exhibiting his artwork on several occasions.
Arens told the group that he enjoys a simple lifestyle and during one time he tried a Thoreau “living in the woods” style. He now enjoys more of the comforts of home.
He then showed pictures of different paintings of his using an antique slide projector and slides. He enjoys painting landscapes, rivers, rocks and more landscapes. Many of these paintings are of the Blue Ridge Mountains and foothills scenery as well as of buildings which may not be around much longer. Occasionally he adds people to the scenery.
The meeting continued with 14 people attending as Regent Louise Hansen called the meeting to order and asking for minutes of the committees. Janice Axelson presented a patriotic report on Understanding the Great War—Political and Military Alliances in memory of World War I which ended 100 years ago. Hansen in the Indian Minute talked about the Ocmulgee Mounds and river in Macon, Ga. Indians had settled there more than 10,000 years ago. She also in the Flag Minute noted that flags were at half-mast on April 6 in honor of John Glenn who was buried at Arlington Cemetery on that date.
Flo Bell, in her Health Minute, told the group that grapes and red wine are healthy fruits. These contain polyphynols which act as an anti-inflammatory and help with blood sugar control.
Conservation Minute lauded butterflies and plants which attract them, such as the balm and butterfly bush.
Regent Hansen reminded members of the Fall Forum to be held in Richmond on September 16. Also, the chapter needs to save ink cartridges and usable cell phones for a DAR school. The chapter currently participates in Patrick County Schools with Good Citizenship Awards and JROTC awards.
The meeting adjourned.