The Colonel Abram Penn Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution met on March 11, following a luncheon at The Landmark Center in Stuart. Eight members were present. The meeting was called to order by Chapter Regent Louise Hansen.
Officers reports and committee reports were presented. Mary Ann Franklin read the President General’s Message. Mrs. Franklin also gave the treasurer’s report. The National Defense report was given by Regent Hansen. The Health Minute was reported by Flo Bell about the health benefits of including dark poultry meat in our meals. In New Business, Regent Hansen noted that the Virginia Daughters of the American Revolution will hold its annual conference March 15-17 in Richmond. A nominating committee was selected with Betty Banks and Mary Ann Franklin serving as members. Nominations will be submitted for all offices.
A presentation of little known stories about ordinary women performing extraordinary tasks during the American Revolution was given by chapter member Janice Stanley. Some of the women were spies, some were saboteurs, some helped American prisoners of war escape, some served as soldiers, others went from farm to farm harvesting crops to support the troops and others served as nurses and cooks. As Stanley said, “We all hear and think about the difficulties the men had just before and throughout the Revolutionary period. We hear of the deaths, the prisons, the starvations, the shoeless feet, the diseases and lack of weapons and ammunition, but we don’t give much thought to the women.”
The next chapter meeting will be held on April 8.