You could not, would not, should not miss a birthday such as this! We’re having a party, it’s truer than true. We want to celebrate and party with you!
Come spend the afternoon at the Reynolds Homestead celebrating the birthday of beloved children’s author Dr. Seuss on Sunday, March 5. The afternoon will be filled with various fun activities for you and your family to enjoy. Sit back and listen to a story, read aloud, walk around and make crafts, or try your hand at a Seuss science experiment.
After eating some Seuss-inspired snacks and refreshments, maybe you’ll find yourself getting your camera out and spending some time taking silly photos in the photo booth using a variety of Seuss character props. The options are endless.
Enjoy a leisurely afternoon with your family celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday. This will be a floating event, and everyone is welcome to come and stay for as little or as long as they would like.
In addition to all the Dr. Seuss fun, this event will feature the launch of the Patrick County Dolly Parton Imagination Library. This monthly book-gifting program is available to any child under the age of five living in Patrick County and is being sponsored by the Patrick County Chamber of Commerce, STEP, INC, One Family Productions, and Stuart Rotary with support from a local steering committee of educators, civic leaders, and business owners. Participation in the Dolly Parton Imagination Library is free, though a registration form must be completed to sign up. Additional information about the program and registration forms will be available for the first time at the Dr. Seuss birthday celebration!
Join us Sunday, March 5 from 2- 4 p.m. to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday and learn more about the Patrick County Dolly Parton Imagination Library. Admission is $5 per person; find details and register online at reynoldshomestead.vt.edu. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Melanie Gilbert at 276-694-7181 ex. 22.