Patrick & Henry Community College has announced that Dr. Stewart Roberson, chairman of the Patrick County Education Foundation (PCEF) Board, will deliver the commencement address for P&HCC’s 2025 graduation ceremony.
Roberson is the chair of the Board of Shareholders for Moseley Architects and a professor at the University of Virginia. He previously served as superintendent of schools in both Hanover County and Falls Church, Virginia, and has worked in education since 1977. He has been recognized as a Virginia Business Virginia 500 Power List member, a Virginia Foundation for Community College Education board member emeritus, and an honorary member of The American Institute of Architects (AIA) of Virginia.
Currently, Roberson serves as chair of the Board of Directors for Moseley Architects, the Forum Club of Richmond, the UVA K-12 Advisory Council, and the VCU Autism Center for Excellence. He is also a trustee for the Virginia Foundation of Independent Colleges and AdvancED. Additionally, he serves on the Board of Directors for the Prince William County Education Foundation, CodeVA, and the Cognia State Advisory Committee.
“It is a true joy to be invited to have a front-row seat on May 17 to witness the pride and accomplishments of the P&HCC Class of 2025! That day will be a terrific one of celebration as everyone applauds the graduates and the difference they will all make in our world,” Roberson said.
P&HCC President Dr. Greg Hodges added, “We are so grateful to Dr. Roberson for his advocacy and support of P&HCC and for his work to make Patrick Promise a reality for Patrick County High School graduates. His passion for education and the future of students in our community is a true inspiration to us all.”
The commencement ceremony will take place in the Stone Hall gymnasium on Saturday, May 17, at 10 a.m.