Hands-on learning

Woolwine students participate in event

Woolwine Elementary School celebrated the solar eclipse Monday, but prepared for the event by attending an eclipse safety class by Katie Slusher.
Eclipse-viewing safety also was stressed throughout the event that began at 1:30 p.m.
Parent and community volunteers helped teachers and staff at four interactive eclipse stations and concessions where students rotated through by grade level.
All students and staff received a solar eclipse t-shirt and a school picture was made with students wearing their eclipse glasses.
Students enjoyed creating the solar corona using black paper and chalk at one station, while viewing the solar eclipse at three other shadow stations.
Music played over loud speakers throughout the event with songs such as “Total Eclipse of the Heart,” by Bonnie Tyler, “Ain’t No Sunshine,” by Bill Withers, and “Eclipse,” by Pink Floyd, along with many others.
Moon Pies, Sun chips and water were the snacks of the afternoon.
School nurse Mandy Worley announced times for students to put their eclipse glasses on to view the eclipse. Students sang the first verse of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,” as a 10 – 15 second time period to safely watch the solar eclipse.
There was a noticeable drop in air temperature between 2:25 and 2:50 p.m., along with the dusk colored sky.
Students were quiet at 2:40 p.m., which was the peak eclipse time for Woolwine.
The nighttime insects were heard making chirping noises on the surrounding school grounds.