Surry Community College held its 54th commencement ceremony in the gymnatorium on the Dobson campus on May 14, with four Ararat residents among the more than 500 graduates.

This spring, Surry had 537 total graduates; 186 of which received honors for having a 3.5 GPA and higher. The college awarded 192 Associate in Applied Science degrees, 32 Associate in General Education degrees, 190 transfer degrees, 76 diplomas, and 271 certificates.
The local graduates included:
Jill Boyd, Accounting and Finance, Business Administration.
Johnny Collins, Associate Degree Nursing.
Lavender Hughes, Practical Nursing (Diploma).
Barbara Pell, Early Childhood (Certificate).
Associate in Applied Science degrees, diplomas, or certificates were awarded to students who completed one of the college’s technical programs. Associate in General Education degrees were awarded to students who completed two years of education designed for academic enrichment and personal growth and development. Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degrees were awarded to students who completed a college transfer program.
Dr. David Shockley, Surry Community College President, gave the commencement address and presented degrees, diplomas and certificates to the 152 students who participated in the ceremony. Summit Strings performed musical selections during the ceremony.
Several students were recognized at the ceremony for receiving awards and recognitions.
Every spring, one student from each of the 58 community colleges in the North Carolina Community College System is recognized for excellence in academics. The North Carolina Community College System Academic Excellence Award was given to Chloe Snow of Mount Airy.
Each year a student that embodies Dr. Dallas Herring’s belief that community college should “take people where they are and carry them as far as they can go” is awarded the Dallas Herring Achievement Award by the North Carolina Community College System. Surry Community College’s nominee for 2022 was Nisa McFowler of Mount Airy.
In 2004, the North Carolina Association of Community College Presidents created the Governor Robert Scott Leadership award as a way to both recognize student leadership on a statewide level while also honoring former Governor Bob Scott. This award is given to one student by the North Carolina Community College System. SCC’s nominee for 2022 was Kailey Myers of Dobson.
SCC is currently registering students for fall classes. If you have any questions about college application, financial aid, or career choices, contact Student Services at (336) 386-3264 or Classes start Aug. 15.