The following cases were heard and disposed of in Patrick County General District Court during the month of January.
January 9:
Christopher Michael Hicks, Axton, reckless driving, speed in excess of 80 miles per hour, guilty, 12 months with 11 months suspended; motorcycle equipment violation, guilty, fined $25, costs $61; no registration, guilty, fined $25, costs $10; elude/disregard police, certified to grand jury.
Morgan Jacqueline Nunn, Ararat, grand larceny, certified to grand jury; no driver’s license, certified misdemeanor.
Thomas Hutchens, Stuart, assault, not guilty.
Bernard Elmo Hutchens, Spencer, driving while impaired, first offense, guilty, fined $1,250 with $400 suspended, costs $241, 12 months with 11 months 20 days suspended, VASAP, driver’s license suspended 12 months.
Kashmere Jackson, Dry Fork, non-compliance with VASAP, VASAP revoked.
Noah Odell Stone, Meadows of Dan, drive with suspended license, first offense, guilty, fined $75, costs $86; drive with suspended license, complied with law, costs $71.
January 16:
Justin Lee Sowder, Stuart, assault, guilty, fined $75, costs $111, 3 months with 26 days suspended.
January 23:
Deanna Renee S. Barker, Patrick Springs, reckless driving generally, dismissed.
John Thomas Conner, Meadows of Dan, reckless driving, speeding 77/55, guilty, fined $220, costs $86; no registration in possession, dismissed.
Ricky Bradley Penn, Stuart, charged with reckless driving, fail to maintain control, found guilty of improper driving, fined $75, costs $61; driving with suspended license, dismissed; insufficient tread on tires, guilty, fined $30, costs $10.
Michael Lane Craig, Bassett, violent felon possess/transport weapon, certified to grand jury; occupied building: malicious shoot/throw, certified to grand jury; felon possess weapon/ammo, certified to grand jury.
Michael Elvin Douglas, Stuart, reckless driving  generally, certified misdemeanor; destruction of property with intent, certified to grand jury.
Aubrey Adam Gibson, Woolwine, fail to drive on right side of highway, guilty, fined $30, costs $10; driving on suspended license, guilty, fined $100, costs $146; improper driving, guilty, fined $150, costs $70.
Harvey Evan Lee Edwards, Ararat, possession of marijuana, guilty, fined $100, costs $221.
Brittany Lynn Pickering, Patrick Springs, improper driving, guilty, fined $100, costs $101; licenses revoked/suspended financial, guilty, fined $75, costs $116.
James Robert Martin, Patrick Springs, public swearing/intoxication, guilty, fined $25, costs $96; unauthorized use of vehicle larceny, certified to grand jury.
Jennifer Ann Arnder, Ararat, driving without a license, dismissed.
Jacqueline Suzanne Fields, Fieldale, speeding 73/60 zone, guilty, fined $78, costs $61; diving with suspended license, second offense, guilty, fined $10, costs $10.
Luis Angel Flores, Reidsville, N.C., non-compliance with VASAP, VASAP revoked.
Paula Mitchem Greer, Axton, non-compliance with VASAP, VASAP revoked.
Chad Anderson McCann, Claudville, non-compliance with VASAP, dismissed.
Steven Bradley Smith, Stuart, non-compliance with VASAP, nolle prossed.
Seth Paul Stead, Lexington, N.C., no driver’s license, guilty, fined $100, costs $121; improper registration, guilty, fined $25, costs $25.
January 30:
Clyde Wayne Bowman Jr., Ararat, trespass, guilty, fined $50, costs $136.
Barry Lee Pell, Ararat, trespass, guilty, fined $50, costs $136.
Benjerman Jake Simpkins, Patrick Springs, unlawful hunt of a wild animal, guilty, fined $100, costs $25; unlawful devises to destroy, dismissed; bait hunting area causing viol., guilty, fined $50, costs $86; two counts of trespass to hunt/fish/trap, first count dismissed, second count, guilty, fined $150, costs $86; two counts of hunt/trap/fish without a license, found guilty on each count, fined $50, costs $48 on each; hunt without blaze orange or blaze pink, guilty, fined $25, costs $25.
Ugur Ycel Bulut, Reston, charged with reckless driving, fail to maintain control, found guilty of improper driving, fined $50, costs $146.
Jeremiah Thomas Denton, Rocky Mount, defective equipment/windshield, guilty, fined $30 and costs, appealed; reckless driving, speeding 75/55 zone, guilty, fined $200 and costs, appealed.
Austin Roger Leath, Stuart, reckless driving/accident, guilty, fined $150, costs $86.
Zachary Adam Strole, Meadows of Dan, fail to drive on right side of highway, guilty, fined $30, costs $10; possession of paraphernalia; guilty, fined $50, costs $86.
Jeffery Lenard Martin, Stuart, possession of marijuana, dismissed, license is restricted.
David Paul McFarland, Savannah, Ga., possession of marijuana, dismissed, costs $161.
Hope Ann Hubbard, Woolwine, operate/permit unlicensed operator of a motor vehicle, guilty, fined $25, costs $10; operate uninsured vehicle, guilty, fined $100, costs $25; drink while driving/open container, guilty, fined $50, costs $25; safety belt violation, guilty, fined $25; drive with license revoked, first offense, guilty, fined $50, costs $86.
Tommy Jon Lewis Roop, Rocky Mount, drive with license revoked, three or more offenses in ten years, guilty, fined $300, costs $231, 12 months with 11 months 20 days suspended, 30 days license suspended.
Duane Michael Coe, Ridgeway, inhaling drugs/inducing others, guilty, costs $231, 30 day sentence; shoplift/alter merchandise, guilty, restitution $7.63, fined $75 with $75 suspended, costs $70, 30 days in jail.
Lisa Dawn Pauley, Patrick Springs, fail to appear for trial, guilty, fined $50, costs $138.50; petit larceny, guilty, restitution $305, fined $150, costs $163.50, 6 months with 5 months 26 days suspended.
Jennifer Nicole Swinney, Axton, fail to appear/counsel hearing, guilty, costs $116, 4 days; obtain money by false pretenses, guilty, fined $150, costs $141, 6 months with 5 months 20 days suspended; fail to appear for counsel hearing, guilty, costs $116, 2 days to serve.
Donna Lynn Goins, Winston-Salem, N.C., defective equipment/windshield, guilty, fined $30, costs $10; possession of marijuana, guilty, fined $150, costs $328.50, 90 days suspended; drive under revoked/suspended license, guilty, fined $100, costs $243.50.
James Wade Martin, Bassett, DWI, second offense, guilty, fined $1,250 with $400 suspended, costs $341, 12 months with 11 months suspended, license suspended three years; reckless driving, dismissed.
John Andrew Ferring, Claudville, DWI, first offense, guilty, fined $650 with $400 suspended, costs $316, 12 months with 11 months 25 days suspended, 12 months license suspended; reckless driving – operate improper brakes, dismissed.
Sherry Dawn Wasoski, Bassett, DWI, second offense, guilty, fined $1,250 with $400 suspended, costs $361, 12 months with 11 months 10 days suspended, driver’s license suspended three years.
Christopher Don Christian, Critz, possession of marijuana, guilty, fined $100 and costs, 30 days suspended, appealed.
Justin Wyatt Woodall, Claudville, possession of marijuana, certified misdemeanor; nonviolent felon posses gun within ten years, dismissed; petit larceny, certified to grand jury.