Patrick County Girl Scout Troop 1302 held their recognition ceremony for the successful events the girls participated in this year.
The biggest recognition was the Bronze Award received by five of the Junior Girl Scouts: Isabella Goins, Sierra Helms, Halo Martin, Emma Purdy, and Alexis Rodriguez. These girls finished a journey (written and discussion activities), then 20 hours working on refurbishing the outdoor furniture in the Providence United Methodist Church prayer garden and cleaning out, then planting flowers in the prayer garden and in the flowerpots around the church.
The girls thought this project was a way to not only earn their Bronze Award, but also a way to say thanks to the church for allowing the troop to hold meetings and other scout events at the church. The girls will become Cadette Girl Scouts next year and begin work on their Silver Award.
Prizes for fall sales of nuts and candy were given out and the top sellers were recognized:
1st -Taylor Ragsdale, 2nd-Jada Hylton and 3rd- Emma Purdy.
Next, the top cookies sellers were recognized. There were three girls who sold 1,000 boxes of cookies- Taylor Ragsdale, Rebecca Handy and Emma Purdy. These girls also will be recognized at a VA Skyline Girl Scout Event later in the summer.
Memories went to three ladies who passed on this year, and who supported Girl Scouts in Patrick County. Cindy Stovall, Patricia Dalton and Helen Cowley will always be remembered for the time and energy they spent with helping the Girl Scouts in our county.
Lastly, the troop leaders — Dee Ragsdale, Mary Handy and Olivia Booth — distributed badges and pins the girls had earned throughout the year.
Many thanks to the parents who support the girls in all their events. Also, thanks to Providence United Methodist for allowing the troop to meet and hold events at the church. Finally, thanks to those in Patrick County who support the Girl Scouts in their sales and events.