By Alan Dean
Retired Seventh-day Adventist Pastor
Thanksgiving Day is fast approaching, a national day to express our gratitude for God’s blessings. But some may question “What have I to be thankful for?” And that’s a good question if you have experienced suffering, death of a loved one, an injustice, and/or loss from disaster or tragedy. Life, admittedly, can be difficult. We can all vouch for that.
So, how can a Thanksgiving Day gathering be a time to express our gratitude? I suggest that there be a time of praise and thanksgiving set aside. It is surprising how a group’s spirit will improve as people begin to relate a praise. Hearing another’s praise will remind others of a praise and soon everyone has a praise or more to share. The group begins to think not of their troubles, but rather of their blessings.
We may begin by thinking of very basic reasons for which to be thankful such as food, shelter, and clothing. This isn’t the privilege of many in our world. Then there will be other praises that people will begin to remember such as a beautiful sunrise or sunset, a pretty rainbow, gorgeous fall colors, or a beautiful field of flowers. This often brings to mind the love and care of our God for us. And we can begin to praise Him for who He is – an awesome Creator and Saviour who is loving, patient, compassionate, merciful, and trustworthy. He always has our best in mind.
It may seem difficult, but the Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 5:20 “to give thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Especially, as we look back, we can see how things worked out for good, or could have, if we had been wiser and more patient. And as we learn to trust God, we learn that Jesus only allows things to happen to us for our good or for the good of someone else. Remember, “God is love.” 1 John 4:8
God’s first priority is the salvation of people. There are times when a tragedy or death of a Christian loved one is what is required to bring someone to Jesus. We may know of such cases. No price is too expensive to have someone saved for eternity.
So, for your family and/or church, spend time giving praise to the Lord for His goodness and see how it uplifts everyone present. Our church experiences this special praise time every week. Be careful because praise is contagious.