A long-term employee, and Patrick County native, announced she will seek the Circuit Court Clerk’s post in the November election.
Sherri M. Hazlewood, a 28-year veteran of the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office, said she hopes to fill the unexpired term of Susan C. Gasperini, who retired April 1.
Hazlewood, 48, began her career in the Clerk’s Office in 1989 when she was hired by the late Clerk, David G. Hanby. A sworn officer of the court, Hazlewood has held the positions of Senior Deputy Clerk and courtroom clerk since 1995.
“I am grateful for the opportunity to have served Patrick County in these positions over the past nearly three decades,” Hazelwood said. “In many ways, I feel that I have ‘grown-up’ in the Clerk’s Office. Even after 28 years, I am still amazed by the many duties and responsibilities delegated to the Clerk by state law.”
According to the Virginia Court Clerk’s Association, the Clerk of the Circuit Court performs multiple duties that in many states are divided among several government offices. The Code of Virginia lists over 800 responsibilities and duties for the Clerk, many of which are “legally sophisticated and highly complex.” Duties include: public safety, court services, recorder of deeds, probate adjudicator, custodian of court cases, public services, preservation of historic records and keeper of election ballots.
“My experience speaks for itself. I have great respect for the legal process and realize the importance of forming and maintaining excellent working relationships with the public and with other offices within the judicial system,” Hazlewood said. “I have strived to form such relationships during my time in the Clerk’s Office and feel that they will be valuable in continuing to make the process work the way it needs to for us here in Patrick County.”
Hazelwood credits her parents, Juanita and the late Clarence Mitchell, of Dry Pond, with her work ethic, which “was formed from childhood on the family tobacco farm, and fashioned by a father who believed in arriving at the field before daylight in order to make the most of the work day. “I am so thankful to him for teaching me the value of a hard day’s work at an early age,” she said.
“The time has come to ask the good citizens of Patrick County to entrust the leadership role of the Clerk’s Office to me, based on my many years of experience and extensive knowledge of the day to day tasks that make it run smoothly and efficiently,” she said.
Hazelwood said she hopes voters will “consider my qualifications and vote for and support me in the November election. I will do my very best if elected.”
She volunteers for the Patrick County Alzheimer’s Group and is an active member of Collinstown Presbyterian Church, where she has served in many capacities, including Sunday school teacher and superintendent, pulpit nominating committee member, Bible school director, session member and clerk of session.
Hazlewood lives in the Wayside community with her husband, Richard and son, Jordan Robertson, who will graduate from Patrick County High School next month.