The Patrick County Board of Supervisors approved the creation of a Citizen Healthcare Access Committee at its December 11 meeting.

County Administrator Beth Simms said healthcare access is an area of opportunity for Patrick County.
“To my knowledge, we have one primary care physician. Not a lot of specialty care options, limited dentistry, even lacking in veterinary service,” she said. “We can talk about it, leaders can talk about it, citizens can talk about it, we can all talk about it.”
Simms said the county needs a concerted effort to talk to healthcare providers in the area and across Virginia, North Carolina, and state and federal representatives, Patrick & Henry Community College (P&HCC), and those in the healthcare field.
She said the approval of the committee’s creation would just give her a greenlight to start working on it.
“What I would do is draft some basic language of what this is, who would serve on this committee, and so forth. And then, of course, I would bring that back to the board again for approval before we start work,” she said.
Simms said this committee would show a unified front between the county, possibly the Town of Stuart, county schools, industry leaders, people who work in healthcare, and everyone else.
“Every citizen of Patrick County is vested in and needs healthcare. We’re hoping that this approach could lead to some movement in that area,” she said.
Simms said she would try to have a draft of the committee to the board by its next meeting.
Brandon Simmons, of the Dan River District, said he thought the committee is a good idea.
In an email on Friday, Simms said the board will be filling vacant committee seats in the new year. To indicate interest or willingness to serve, complete the online form at
In other matters, the board:
*Recognized Clyde DeLoach and Denise Stirewalt for their four years of service on the board.
*Approved the November 20 meeting minutes.
*Approved the bills, claims, and appropriations.
*Approved the amendment to the school’s fiscal year 2023-2024 budget.
*Heard the county administrator’s report.
*Heard reports from the supervisors.
*Heard from Kurt Bozenmayer about solar energy.
*Heard from Cabell Hayward about Appalachian Power (AEP).
*Approved American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) requests, as presented.
*Approved Roger Beasley, Bruce Mosley, Charles Cauley, and Larry Cowley to four-year terms on the Board of Building Appeals.
*Approved the comprehensive financial analysis services provided by Davenport & Company.
*Accepted the Memorandum of Agreement between the county and the Patrick County Economic Development Authority (EDA).
*Heard an update on the Business Development Center from EDA Director Patrick Cooper.