Jim Purcell and Lynn Wolf led a sing-along Friday morning, February 16, in the arts and crafts room. Residents joined in and sang a variety of songs which included gospel music and ballads from long ago.
In the afternoon, residents celebrated February birthdays at the monthly birthday party. They enjoyed cake, ice cream, and punch prepared by Landmark Catering and the dining team. Gifts were provided by Landmark staff.
After dinner, Landmark residents relaxed to beautiful gospel music provided by the Chords of Faith. Residents traveled to Floyd on February 20 to purchase goodies at a popular bread store. When we left The Landmark Center it was cool, rainy, and foggy. As we rode up the mountain the weather began to change; when we arrived at our destination it was warm and sunny. What a wonderful bus trip!Children from Abiding Grace Church joined the residents for game night February 21. The residents were entertained by their guests with a variety of games. February 22, residents went on a bus trip to our local library to play bingo. Residents won prizes which included a $2 bill. In the afternoon, residents joined long-time volunteers, Jim and Ellen Saunders, for “Name That Tune.” Residents receive a prize when they guess the name of a tune. Many residents look forward to this monthly activity stating, “Jim and Ellen are so much fun!”Friday, February 23, residents recognized Great American Pie Month and French Fry Friday with word search puzzles, Dominoes, and French fries. The first monthly resident and family Saturday morning brunch was held on February 24. Many family members joined their resident in this special time together. Not only was the food delicious, but I heard many comments about sharing this time together with family members not seen in a while. Thank you to Landmark Catering and the dining team for all their hard work.Residents celebrated National Chocolate Covered Peanuts Day on Sunday, February 25. They were challenged by word search puzzles and of course they were treated to chocolate covered peanut M&M’s. On Monday they honored National Pistachio Day with pistachio ice cream.The bus trip on February 27 was lunch in Mount Airy, N.C,. for pizza and local shopping on March 1.Daylight Savings Time begins on March 11; don’t forget to “spring forward” one hour.
March blood pressure schedule: March 2: Meadows of Dan Seniors at the Community Center, 11 to 11:30 a.m., will also be playing bingo; March 5: Lowes Foods in Stuart, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; March 8: Patrick County Seniors at Rotary, 10:30 to 11 a.m.; March 12: Ararat Seniors at the Ararat Fellowship Church, BP and Bingo, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.; and March 13: STEP Seniors in Stuart, BP and Bingo, 10:30 to 11 a.m.The next Alzheimer’s Support Group meeting will be March 27 beginning at noon at The Landmark Center. This program is sponsored by Southern Area Agency on Aging, The Landmark Center, and Blue Ridge Therapy Connection. For more information, call (276) 694-3050, extension 4501. A light lunch will be provided.If you would like to become a Landmark volunteer, stop by and fill out an application. Until next time, see you at Landmark.