Please join us on May 25 at 5 p.m. and be a part of the grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Landmark Memory Care Neighborhood and meet some of our new staff. For more information, call (276) 694-3050.Blue Ridge Therapy Connection and The Landmark Center honored their group volunteers Thursday evening, April 27, during National Volunteer Week. President/CEO Victor Williams welcomed the guests and shared how much they are appreciated for everything they do for our residents.The volunteers were served barbecue, baked beans, potato salad, and slaw. Guests could choose from a variety of desserts. Each volunteer received a certificate of appreciation and a gift. Thank you for sharing your time and talents with our residents. We will be honoring our individual volunteers at a later date.Residents welcomed Bobby Nance and members of Mayo Christian Church on Friday evening, April 28. Residents were treated to homemade ice cream and enjoyed playing games with their guests. On April 30, residents, family members, and guests were served carrot cake in celebration of Bugs Bunny’s 79th birthday. The homemade carrot cake and punch were provided by Landmark Catering and the dietary staff.The group, The Over the Hill Gang, was joined by local square dancers Monday night, May 1, for the monthly square dance. Residents love this activity and often join the dancers on the floor. This group has been volunteering at The Landmark Center for many years and has always been a big hit with both residents and their guests.Tuesday, May 2, was a very busy day at The Landmark Center beginning at 9 a.m. with the monthly Operation Homefront meeting. If you served in the Armed Forces of the United States you are invited to join us the first Tuesday of the month to connect, recognize, and support our local heroes. This month residents attending created an American Flag using strips of red, white, and blue material. For more information, contact Susan Foster at (276) 694-4416. www.mtnvalleyhospice.org. Refreshments are provided.
Residents also welcomed local volunteers which come monthly for a Sew & Mend Day. We appreciate those who take time out of a busy day to assist in providing for resident needs. Students from the Patrick County High School senior cosmetology class joined Landmark residents for their final visit this school year for Spa Day, May 2. During the year residents and students become friends so they will certainly be missed. We wish these young ladies the best in their future.Bus trips have included a trip to Mount Airy, N.C., for fried chicken, May 2, and lunch in Floyd on May 9, which also included shopping for goodies at the bread store. Residents also ate breakfast at a local restaurant in Stuart on May 11.May 4, residents attended a Spelling Bee. Resident Georgia Goard was the winner of the game, receiving Landmark Store coupons to purchase items from the “country store.” In the evening, residents enjoyed music by Charles Bowman. He performs a wide variety of tunes which include country, gospel, and “just plain silly songs.” He puts big smiles on the resident’s faces.
Residents attended a Cinco de Mayo party on May 5 in the dining room. The room was decorated with bright colors, setting the stage for an exciting party. Ice cream was served and afterwards they took turns whacking a piñata filled with candy. After several attempts the piñata finally gave up and shared the candy with them. After dinner, they relaxed in the living room to beautiful gospel music performed by Mike Hall. May 7-13 was National Raisin Week and residents and guests were treated to oatmeal raisin cookies in the afternoon. Tuesday, May 9, Beth Ford, historical services assistant, and Becky Turner, volunteer, from the Reynolds Homestead, led the Art Fusion discussion meeting at the Landmark Center. Beth shared with the residents about the Rev. Bob Childress, the six rock churches he built using native stone, and how they were made famous by the book, “The Man Who Moved a Mountain.” The residents enjoyed the meeting very much. May 9 is Coca-Cola’s birthday (1886). In celebration, residents enjoyed Coke floats in authentic Coke glasses. Did you know when Coca-Cola was invented it was used for medicinal purposes; now we just like to mix it with vanilla ice cream and enjoy. In the evening, after a busy day, residents relaxed to gospel music performed by the Mountain View Singers before going to bed.Members from the Patrick Springs Pentecostal Holiness Church shared uplifting gospel music Wednesday evening, May 10, at The Landmark Center. They also played hand bells for the residents. The Big Greenhouse has plants for sale. It is located between The Landmark Center and Blue Ridge Therapy Connection. For more information, call (276) 694-3050, extension 4501. The next Community Rook Tournament will be held June 1 beginning at 1:30 p.m. in the dining room. The next Alzheimer’s Support Group Meeting will be May 23, beginning at noon, at The Landmark Center. For more information, call (276) 694-3050 or (276) 694-7161. This program is sponsored by Southern Area Agency on Aging, the Landmark Center, and Blue Ridge Therapy Connection. A light lunch will be provided.Residents and staff of The Landmark Center would like to congratulate every graduate and wish then the very best of luck in the future—especially Will Taylor who is part of the activities team at The Landmark Center and Blue Ridge Therapy Connection.Until next time, see you at Landmark.