Landmark residents celebrated their birthdays on August 17 with family and friends, during the monthly birthday party. Everyone enjoyed cake, ice cream and punch. After dinner, residents relaxed to music by the group, Chords of Faith.
August 19 marked the 125th anniversary of the creation of the “Black Cow” root beer float, 1893, in Cripple Creek, Co. While we did not serve the Black Cow float, residents and guests were served delicious root beer floats made with A&W Root Beer and vanilla ice cream.
Residents traveled to Fieldale, Collinsville, and Martinsville on a ride-a-bout, August 21. We rode through the town of Fieldale and resident, Margaret Stegall, shared with us facts about the small town. Several residents rode by their former homes and shared memories from their past. We then stopped for ice cream for the ride home. Sue Nester provided the evening entertainment.
The local library and a Bingo game was the destination for the bus trip on August 23. In the afternoon, the residents ate watermelon in the Landmark courtyard. The weather was beautiful. Many residents and family members attended the Summer Sandwiches word find program, August 24. Sunday afternoon, August 26, residents celebrated National Cherry Popsicle Day with cherry popsicles.
Memory Care residents joined the assisted living residents for the Fairystone Baptist Church program. Church members and guests provide a worship service each Monday morning and have for more than 20 years. We are so grateful for all of those who share their time and talents with our residents each day. If you would like to become a volunteer at The Landmark Center, stop by and fill out an application.
Each Wednesday afternoon volunteer, Helen Cowley, leads the cooking club. This month we have created buttery baked peaches, which were served with ice cream, apple raisin salad, easy sheet pan cookies, banana pudding, white chocolate cookies, and fruit fried pies.
August 28 residents shopped locally, and on August 30, residents traveled to the Jack Dalton Park in Ridgeway and enjoyed a picnic there.
It is hard to believe that it is already September 2018. During the month of September we are always extremely busy and this year is no exception. On September 8, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., we will have a Folk Festival at The Landmark Center. There will be live music throughout the day, vendors selling their wares, workshops, and delicious food. Special guests will be the J.E.B. Stuart Preservation. For more information, (276) 694-3050.
National Assisted Living Week is September 9-15. The theme this year is, “Capture the Moment.” Throughout the week we will be having special events and activities for our residents, staff, families and friends, volunteers, and community guests. Our goal is to inspire our residents to realize their dreams and seize the day. The theme also supports reflection, as they look back on the pivotal moments in their lives. We also are reminded that often the everyday interaction between residents and staff can deliver high quality, person-centered care so residents can celebrate their past while enjoying the present. No matter your age, we should all be living life to its fullest.
September blood pressure times and locations:
9/7: Meadows of Dan Seniors at the Community Center, 11 a.m. – noon
9/10: Lowe’s Foods in Stuart, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
9/13: Patrick County Seniors at the Rotary Building in Stuart, 10:30 – 11 a.m.
9/17: Ararat Seniors at the Ararat Fellowship Church, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
9/18: STEP Seniors at the STEP building in Stuart, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
9/25: Alzheimer’s Support Group Meeting at The Landmark Center 12 – 1 p.m.
The next Alzheimer’s Support Group Meeting will be September 25, beginning at noon, at the Landmark Center in Stuart. This program is sponsored by the Southern Area Agency on Aging, The Landmark Center, and Blue Ridge Therapy Connection. For more information, (276) 694-3050. A light lunch will be provided.
Congratulations to the Landmark activity team for winning first place for the 2018 D. A. “Woody” Brown Community Involvement Award in the Year Round Program. Throughout the year we are blessed to have many volunteers and programs which are on a weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, and onetime basis. Thank you to all our volunteers and all the Landmark teams for making our programs possible.
Until next time, see you at Landmark.