The Patrick County School Board recognized Ryan Lawson, of the Peters Creek District, for his tenure on the board with a certificate of achievement at its December 14 meeting.

Lawson served for one term, or four years, on the board.
Rob Martin, of the Dan River District, thanked Lawson for his service and dedication to county schools.
“I appreciate your leadership on this board and helping in the guidance that you’ve given me. I also appreciate your family’s service in supporting you during your service here with” the board, he said.
Martin said he knows Lawson’s family can’t get back all the time, family events, and kid’s games he missed because of his service, “but I thank them for allowing us to have your service and leadership in those times on this board. I believe your service has made this school’s vision a better and brighter one,” he said.
“I got a little emotional, so I won’t say a lot, but thank you all for everything you’ve done in helping me along,” Lawson said. “We’ve all done a lot of hard work together, so keep it up and keep moving forward.”
In other matters, the board:

*Heard a presentation from Hannah Wood about her mission trip to Gendatesfa, Ethiopia.
*Recognized Martin for serving on the Virginia School Board Association (VSBA) Delegate Assembly.
*Presented Amy Walker, of the Mayo River District, a certificate of achievement for outstanding service. Walker was also elected as the VSBA 2024 regional vice-chair.
*Approved the monthly personnel report.
*Approved the religious exemptions.
*Heard the superintendent’s report.
*Approved the consent agenda.
*Approved the 2024 school board meeting schedule.
*Approved the proposed 2024-2025 school calendar as presented.
*Approved the donation of 40 surplus chrome books to the Gendatesfa Primary School.
*Approved the surplus of school bus 14 to be used for EMS training.