What kinds of health and wellness needs and concerns do Patrick County residents have? A survey is being circulated in June to answer that question.
The four-page survey is comprehensive and asks questions about access to doctors, transportation, access to exercise facilities, and health issues, according to Douglas Perry, of the Patrick County Coalition. The Coalition seeks to improve quality of life in Patrick County by focusing on a number of issues – including healthcare, education, aging, and wellness.
Residents may access the survey at www.caringheartsclinic.org or complete the survey included in this edition of The Enterprise.
Copies also will be available at doctors’ offices, pharmacies and other outlets in Patrick County, and groups may request copies of the surveys for distribution to congregations, organizations and customers.
Survey respondents need not share their identity. However, a Fitbit device will awarded from a pool of each 100 who provide a phone number or email address.
“Patrick County is long overdue for a community health assessment,” Nancy Bell, Population Health Manager for the Virginia Department of Health and a member of the Health & Wellness team, said. “We are hoping to use the results of the surveys to better understand the health and medical needs of the people of Patrick County and to perhaps attract some grant funding to the community to tackle key issues.”
Christie Fain, director of Caring Hearts Free Clinic, said the information gathered from the surveys will be crucial in meeting the needs of Patrick County’s citizens in the future and hopefully improving services where need is greatest.
“A large part of the assessment seeks to identify populations that may be at increased risk of poor health outcomes and to gain a better understanding of the fundamental issues affecting the health of its citizens and the community. We want as many surveys returned as possible, and we hope they will represent the needs of all citizens,” Fain said.
In addition to Bell and Fain, members of the Health & Wellness subcommittee for the coalition include: Rebecca Adcock, Debbie Spencer, Harold Edwards, Jeanette Filpi, Ann Gibson, Warren Rodgers and Barbara Watson.
Residents interested in the topic and/or interested in serving on the committee are asked to contact Perry at douglas.b.perry.mil@mail.mil.