Ray Weiland announced he would not seek reelection to the Stuart Town Council when his current term ends on December 31. He currently serves as mayor.

At the April 20 Town Council meeting, Weiland said he’s been on the council for 23 years. This year marks his 12th as mayor.
“I think it’s time to step aside and let somebody else have fun for a while,” he said.
Weiland said he’s worked with several good councils during his tenure with the town, including the current one.
“I just want to thank everybody here for everything that they’ve done for me and previous councils that I’ve had,” he said.
Weiland also voiced his appreciation for Town Attorney Chris Corbett.
His current job as the acting field director of the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) Office of Drinking Water and his role as mayor sometimes creates a conflict of interest.
“As a matter of fact, I had a meeting with Bryce (Simmons, town manager) concerning monies that we’re getting from the Office of Drinking Water and I didn’t know which hat to wear in that meeting because we were giving and accepting, so that can’t be done,” he said. “We’re going to try to avoid things like that in the future, so it will be best for me to do that, to step aside.”
Councilman Dave Hoback said he believes Stuart has been blessed to have Weiland in the mayor’s position.
“He has a knowledge of utilities and state programs and all that. He brought something to the table that none of the rest of us could have,” Hoback said.
Corbett added that the town has been blessed to have Weiland.
In other matters, the council:
*Approved the meeting minutes as written.
*Scheduled a public hearing on a noise ordinance for April 17.
*Heard from Alpha Hiatt, who voiced her objection to the proposed noise ordinance. She also suggested the town website be updated and a kiosk be installed at the town office.
*Heard an update on public works projects.
*Heard an update on town policy.
*Scheduled budget committee meetings for April 4 and April 11 at 2 p.m.
*Heard an update on the wastewater treatment plant.
*Paid the bills.