A majority of the incumbent officeholders in Patrick County plan to seek reelection in the November 7 election.
Eleven positions at the local level will be on the local ballot, including the Blue Ridge District, Peters Creek District, and Mayo River District seats on the Patrick County Board of Supervisors and the Patrick County School Board.
Board of Supervisors

Clyde DeLoach, of the Blue Ridge District, said he plans to seek a second term.
“I think I’ve accomplished some good things. You know, we got the budget going well and we came through some difficulties with COVID, we’ve established some good protocols as far as dealing with personnel,” he said.
While serving on the board, DeLoach said he has received training through the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) and plans to receive more.
“It’s enabled me to make connections with people around the state, and I think that helps a lot. I know that if I have a question, I can call people that VACo and they’ll supply the information for me,” he said.

Clayton Kendrick, of the Mayo River District, also plans to seek reelection.
“I got my packet, but I haven’t gotten all my names yet,” he said.
Kendrick, who is serving as chairman this year, said the board has started several projects that he hopes to see to fruition, partly with the help of grant funds that he learns about through other avenues.
“For instance, I’m on the West Piedmont Planning District (WPPD), plus its Executive Committee,” Kendrick said. “It takes you a pretty good while just to learn how they do things and to be able to take advantage of it for the county and use them.”
He added he’s received notice of people wanting him to run for another four-year term.

Denise Stirewalt, of the Peter’s Creek District, announced at the Jan. 9 meeting that she does not plan to seek reelection.
School Board
Amy Walker, of the Mayo River District, is seeking a second term on the board in hopes of continuing the upward trajectory of the division.
“With the one percent sales tax that was implemented since I’ve been in office, I’ve worked really hard to get that going,” Walker said of the tax proceeds that are earmarked for the school division.
The board members worked and “got it voted in and in place, and I want to keep my eyes on those funds just so that I’ll know that they’re not spending frivolously,” she said.
Shannon Harrell, of the Blue Ridge District, said she plans to seek reelection as she feels the board’s been doing good things during her tenure.
“I want to help with decision-making,” Harrell said, adding “I bring the teacher’s perspective, and I think that helps. I do want to make a difference and be a positive influence in the community.”
Harrell said she is sometimes thanked for her work when she is out and about in the county, and told many appreciate the questions she asks during meetings and the perspective she brings.
“That helped solidify my decision” to seek reelection, she said.
Ryan Lawson, of the Peter’s Creek District, also is seeking his second term.
“There’s some unfinished business I’d like to see through,” he said.
Because of the 2022 redistricting, Lawson will be running for the Blue Ridge District seat and not the Peter’s Creek District he’s held since 2020.
Also on the ballot are the posts of Commonwealth’s Attorney, Clerk of Circuit Court, Treasurer, Commonwealth’s Attorney, and Patrick County Sheriff.
Commonwealth’s Attorney
Dayna Kendrick Bobbitt said she plans to seek reelection.
“I hope the citizens of Patrick County will allow me the opportunity to continue to serve them and make a difference in our community. I graciously ask for your vote in November,” she said.
Clerk of Circuit Court
Three are seeking the post currently held by incumbent Clerk Sherri Hazlewood – Morgan Boothe, interim clerk; Nancy Belcher and Erica Cipko Wade.
Hazlewood has been embroiled in several legal battles and is unavailable for comment.
Patrick County Sheriff
Incumbent Dan Smith has said he will seek a fifth term in the upcoming election.
Sandra Stone, the incumbent, announced she plans to seek a fourth term in the Nov. 7 election.
Commissioner of Revenue
Tabitha Overby, Chief Master Deputy Commissioner of the Revenue, announced she will seek a first term as Commissioner of Revenue after incumbent commissioner Cindy Kendrick said she will retire on Dec. 31.