By Angela H. Hill
From stunning views and award-winning wines to an elegant dinner, coffee-house breakfasts, and cozy accommodations; Michigan residents Jan and Glenn Gronevelt got to enjoy a bit of Patrick County hospitality this week after winning a wine getaway.
This spring, outgoing Patrick County Director of Tourism Joseph Quesenberry advertised the drawing in Virginia Wine Lover magazine. Readers entered by mailing in tear-out cards, and in July, a magazine staff member pulled the Gronevelts’ card.
The trip featured a two-night stay at Uptown Suites in Stuart, a private tour and tasting at Stanburn Winery, dinner at Primland’s Elements restaurant, two breakfasts at Honduras coffee shop, and assorted gifts.
“We were in Virginia Beach staying in a condo in April,” Jan said, “and I happened to pick up a copy of Virginia Wine Lover magazine and thought, ‘What the heck. I never win anything,’ and I filled it out and we won.”
The Gronevelts said they enjoyed the Wednesday-Thursday visit, and were particularly impressed by how friendly everyone is, from Elsie Stanley at the winery to Leslie Marsh at Uptown to Leon Puckett at Honduras. “Everyone has time to have a conversation with you,” Jan noted.
“I like the pace here,” Glenn said. “From what we’re used to, it’s a little more laid back.”
The Gronevelts grew up and still reside in Grand Haven, a town of 12,000 on the shore of Lake Michigan. While their hometown is small, the lake draws a bustling tourism business. The couple visits 20 to 30 wineries per year, and they were impressed by Stanburn and Chateau Morrisette.
“We would recommend visiting Patrick County. Absolutely,” Jan said. “We’ve been very impressed.”
The couple was even treated to a bit of shopping and a few souvenirs. The Dept. of Tourism gave them mugs and T-shirts, Stanburn gave them a gift basket, and Uptown gave them a gift certificate for Mattie B’s boutique. Uptown also donated the two-night stay.
Quesenberry said he was pleased that the Gronevelts enjoyed Patrick County. “They can go talk about how great we are all the way up there,” he said.