Ivalien Reynolds
The Patrick County Agricultural Fair was a big success and the weather was good.
September surely did fly by, didn’t it? Maybe it’s because I’m getting older.
I’m so thankful for some rain. When the weeds die, that’s getting pretty dry isn’t it?
Welcome to the Hiatts, who are my new neighbors now since they bought Denny and Marilyn’s house. I’m glad they are there; nice, friendly dogs also.
I enjoyed eating with the Martin Clan at Skipper’s. It had been awhile since I had been there.
Please put my friends Pauline Martin Williams and Linda Roberts on your prayer lists.
Guess what? I had planned to walk up the road going up to No Business Mountain just to see the “Mud Pond.” That very day, a big chain was put across the road. Guess that’s the end of that.
Sue Hall took me on another road trip to Mount Airy, N.C. On the way, we stopped to visit Bobby and Judy Gardner. It was so good to see them. We went by the Nunn’s flower gardens and it was huge and beautiful—looks like they have worked hard. Then we went to the Cracker Barrel for lunch; lots of good food. It was a good trip. Thank you Sue. You are so special.
The Moorefield Store Volunteer Fire Department cooked up a big batch of Brunswick stew the other day. I hear its very good.
It was nice to eat lunch with Mike Hall when I was at On the Run the other day. That was a nice surprise.
Thanks to Keith Medley for fixing the gate on my deck, and for taking out my trash. He does that for some older senior citizens.
Happy birthday goes out to Jean Belcher and Lindell Belcher up on the mountain (Mountain View community).
It was good to hear from Mary Ann up in Washington, D.C. I miss you!
Household hint: for a change from basic salsa, mix with an equal amount of refried beans and top with cheese. Heat in the microwave and serve hot.
1 pkg. Devil’s food cake mix
1 small bottle Maraschino cherries
1 can cherry pie filling
1 cup whipping cream, whipped
Chocolate curls
Prepare and bake cake mix according to directions on package for 2 (9-inch) cake pans. Cool on a wire rack. Drain cherries, saving 2 Tbsp. of the juice. Sprinkle over one cake layer. Spread with pie filling. Place remaining layer on top. Spread whipped cream on top and sides of cake. Decorate with cherries and chocolate curls. Yields 16 servings.
Food for thought
Today a minister can send a whole message or sermon around the world in one-seventh of a second, but it might take him years to force one simple principle through a quarter-inch of human skull.