By Ivalien Reynolds
Saturday turned out to be a really good day for me. First I enjoyed that wonderful country breakfast at Providence Church and I had the best of company, Mike and Sue Hall, Pastor Jim, and Pastor Marion, Edie Lemons, and Mary Simmons.
After breakfast, Mary Simmons invited me to their home and I enjoyed a really nice visit with her and Dennis. I loved the furniture, all the flowers and the window that Mary had painted snowmen on. It made my day.
The Enterprise came to the Food Ministry on Friday. Two very nice young men came and got the history of the food ministry. They asked questions, made pictures, and looked around. I think they were impressed. Guess we will find out. You guys were very nice and we are glad you came.
Thanks to Donald Willard for mowing my yard. They are really dependable and do a good job. That’s a fast crew.
Edie Lemons has made some cute tissue holders with owls. If my little grandson Chris was living, he would love it. One of his very first words was owl when I showed him one in a book.
Thanks to Charles and Gloria Biggs for having me for lunch on Sunday. Going there is like going to a big restaurant.
I’m happy to report that my sister-in-law, Hilda Nittler, is doing good and in rehab now. Thank you for your prayers.
The Soup Kitchen did bag lunches and I was glad. The thought of carrying hot soup around just made me warmer.
I was happy to find Geneva Foley feeling better and enjoyed my visit with her.
The Men’s Ministry cooked a delicious meal for Wednesday night meal of hamburger steak, rolls and a salad. As my Grandma Hall would say, ‘That’s good enough for the President.” I heard her say that’s good enough for the President many times. Also Duane George sang.
Food For Thought- To be quiet in the presence of God and allow His love to wash over us is perhaps the most effective way to calm and subdue anger.
Scalloped Sweet Potatoes and Apples
6 medium size sweet potatoes
1 1/2 cup apple slices
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp ground mace
1/4 cup butter
Wash and cook sweet potatoes in boiling water until just tender, peel and cut into crosswise slices 1/4 inch thick. Butter 2 qt. casserole dish and arrange one half of sweet potatoes in bottom, then one half slices of apple. Sprinkle with one half a mixture of brown sugar, salt and mace. Dot with 2 tablespoons of butter. Repeat layering ending with apples, seasoning and butter. Cook in 350 oven for about 50 minutes. Makes about 6 servings.
Pepper Cabbage
2 cups shredded cabbage
1 green or red pepper – finely cut
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup hot salad dressing
Mix shredded cabbage, peppers and salt. Let stand one hour. Drain off liquid. Pour hot salad dressing over cabbage and mix well. Serve at once.
(Recipes from Pennsylvania Dutch Cookbook)