By Ivalien Reynolds
I start The Party Line this week with a heavy heart because “Miss Vera Plasters” has gone home to be with the Lord and I know she is where she wants to be. It’s been my privilege to visit her every week for a long time. That was the highlight of my day every Tuesday. My love and heartfelt sympathy to the family.
Also heartfelt sympathy to the family of Mr. Les Moore. He was a great Blues singer. I loved to see him play the guitar.
Seems my column ha a lot of sadness this time. As I was writing I heard that my dear friend, Vera Coleman, had passed away. We have shared many things and the loss of our children. My love and heartfelt sympathy to Mary and the rest of the family.
Thanks to Sue Hall for the telephone call just when I needed it. When those times come, the Lord always sends someone my way.
I sure did enjoy the Women’s Ministry Yard Sale, saw a lot of old friends, enjoyed some good food – a good day.
It was a nice surprise to see my cousin, Lorene Fain’s daughter, Anne and her husband at church on Sunday. They were passing by and decided to stop. Hope you come again.
The Biggs Family Reunion was well attended at Patrick Springs Pentecostal Holiness Church on Sunday.
On Tuesday, I was at the mailbox when my mail lady stopped and handed me a package. It was Prayer Necklaces (Jewish) for me, Donna Rowe, Sue Hall, Alan Rakes and Teresa Martin, thank you.
Thanks to the Men’s Ministry for their good meal of chicken tenders, tater tots and bread. They always have something good for supper. Thanks for all the work you do.
Linda Roberts is doing better and is helping in the Food Ministry now. Good to have her back.
So sorry to hear of the death of Lucille Harris Akers. My love and heartfelt sympathy to the family. My mom and Lucille were friends when they worked together.
Food for Thought- Martha Washington said, “I have learned from experience the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.” Isn’t that true?
1 cup butter or margarine
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 egg
2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/8 tsp salt
1 cup chopped black walnuts
1 cup flaked coconut
Cream butter in large bowl, gradually add sugar, beating until light and fluffy. Add egg, beat well. Stir in walnuts and coconut. Shape dough into 1 inch balls. Place 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet and press center of each cookie with fingers to form button. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes. Cool. Makes 5 dozen.
From the ‘Hidden Powers of Baking Soda’ book, baking soda will ease the pain of sunburn, stop itch of poison ivy, calm canker sores, unclog your nose, remove a splinter, stamp out food odor, relieve bee stings, and even turn your craving for sweets.
Photo: When I lived on the mountain, I had a dog named Poochie and he was a good guard dog. He looked a lot like Sandy Man (Marilyn & Denny’s Dog). Poochie is pictured in our yard.