By Ivalien Reynolds
We got some rain and I was so thankful for every drop that fell.
I had the nicest call from a lady who lived on the mountain in her early years. It was so good to hear from Edith Lawson Chandler and I really did enjoy my conversation with her and the others.
Finally did a bit of fall decorating and I see that All Seasons has some beautiful mums. They always have beautiful mums every year and pumpkins.
Thanks to Gloria Biggs for inviting me to lunch at her home. It’s always a treat to go there and thanks for the pretty water glass to carry my water in with me. (My favorite colors.)
I enjoyed the message on Sunday by Mrs. Pearly Coleman, who is director of Royal Home Ministries for the Corner Stone Conference. They are doing great work.
The Simmons Family was up for the weekend and church. Thanks to Mrs. Simmons for the donation to the Food Ministry. It will be used wisely.
I am so blessed and got a really good report from my doctor and kept my blood sugar down good. I was worried after all the goodies folks give me. I have the nicest doctor.
I’ m happy to report that my sister-in-law HIida Nittler is feeling better. Still keep her in your prayers.
Thanks to Mark and Beverly Woody and Blue, the dog, for the lovely flower arrangement for my 86th birthday. Birthdays come too fast.
The Soup Kitchen did bag lunches with breakfast items for the week’s meals. Take out of the freezer and pop in the microwave. I got one – good and easy.
Also thanks to the family of Miss Vera for their nice gift. I will use it wisely eating at my favorite place (Elizabeth’s). I enjoyed every minute I spend with her. Lots of good memories.
We had a good Men’s Ministry at Church. They surprised me with cake and ice cream on my birthday. It was delicious and I was surprised to get the gift. Thank you!
Food for Thought- God doesn’t give up on anyone. He loves all his children and is at work in their hearts in ways no one else can see it.
Angel Pie
20 low fat Ritz Crackers
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup sugar
3 egg whites
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Crush crackers, mix crumbs with pecans and half of the 1/2 cup sugar. Beat egg whites till very stiff, gradually adding the remainder of the sugar and vanilla. Fold in cracker mixture into the egg whites. Spread in a pan spread with Pam. Bake 350 degrees for 25 minutes. cool, Top with cool whip to serve. Serves 6 to 8.
(Recipe from The Blessing Cookbook)
Bacon Sticks
10 slices lean bacon
1 package breadsticks
1 cup parmesan cheese
Wrap bacon around bread sticks. Roll in cheese. Place on bacon rack (very important) and microwave on high until bacon cooks. Approximately 3-4 minutes. (A quick before dinner treat. )