By Ivalien Reynolds

It’s a busy time in Patrick County. Lots of people visiting the county, lots of things to do and a lot of good food. It was nice to have lunch with the Martin clan at Elizabeth’s Pizza. I saw a lot of people I know there.
Good to see Danny Reynolds. He told me he had 15 hummingbirds at his feeder. They keep him busy making nectar and filling the feeders.
It was wonderful to see Jamie Redd and his wife again. He sure does deliver a powerful message. If anyone missed that message at church, you sure missed a blessing.
Thanks to Larry Martin for going to a corn field and gathering corn for the food ministry at church. Also, thanks to Van Rowe for sharing a lot of tomatoes and veggies with us. The bread people brought a big pickup load of bread. So many blessings coming to the ministry.
Blessings are coming every way we turn. Thanks to Little Caesars for all the pizzas they gave the ministry. They have never let us down.
We just love having Sam, our church dog, come to visit us at the food building. All the people love him, also.
So sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Paul Vipperman. Keep the family in your prayers.
When I was in Elizabeth’s Pizza for my weekly visit, a special young man came and sat with me while waiting for his order. I sure did enjoy talking to Caleb. I hope we can do that again sometime.
I enjoyed going to the library and I found some Amish books I hadn’t read. I always enjoy seeing the people of all ages and everyone is so friendly that work there. Then a nice lady, Edie, gave me a box full of Amish books. I will enjoy them.
The men’s ministry cooked a good breakfast of biscuits, gravy, sausage, and apples for supper on Wednesday night. Breakfast is good for any meal. Thanks for all the work you do. It would be interesting to know how many free meals they have cooked in the last few years.
I had my weekly talk with Mary Ann up in D.C. They were having rain like us. I always love talking to her.
Food for thought – God always was, is now, and always will be faithful.
Creamy Fruit Salad
1 1/2 cups red delicious apples, diced
1 cup banana, sliced
1 cup orange sections, seeded (reserve juice)
1/2 cup green grapes (seedless)
1 8 oz. container low-fat flavored yogurt
Combine apple, banana, orange sections in medium bowl. Toss well with reserved orange juice and yogurt. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Good on a hot day.
Hint – beans are a dieters best friend. They are naturally low in calories and filling. Beans have the most protein with the best fat of any food, high in potassium but low in sodium. They can lower cholesterol, control diabetes, and definitely increase feelings of fullness.