Lately, we have seen some double rainbows in Patrick County and they were beautiful. I always stand in awe at a rainbow. They are so beautiful.
I was so sorry to hear of the death of Grace Martin. I worked with her at Bassett Walker. She always cooked and canned a lot and was a hard worker. Once she gave me some country butter. Heartfelt sympathy goes out to the family.
Providence United Methodist Church had its monthly first Saturday breakfast and it was delicious. I ate with two special people: Pastor Jim Churchwell and Sue Hall. It always makes my day to see them.
“Miss Claudine” Wood is fighting allergies like a lot of us. She loves watching her hummingbirds all day long.
BOD4God had some delicious light snacks the other night. They were wonderful. Come and join!
I was so sorry to hear of the death of another one of my friends, Ellen Dull (age 94). We worked together at Bassett Walker and we always kept in touch.
The Food Ministry was really blessed on Monday, May 5, when we got a pickup load of bread of all kinds, a lot of chicken from WalMart and a gentleman brought a trunk-load of canned goods, drinks, etc. I went shopping for a few things from donation money. It was a blessing.
It was good to get a letter from Mary Ann up in D.C. She and a friend were getting ready to go to a craft show. They like to see what everyone else is doing.
Also, she sent me a story from the Washington Post about chickens in D.C. in people’s yards. The article was about a proposed ban on chickens, but the fate of the fowl is looking up after poultry lovers voiced concerns and swayed council members. There was a pretty picture of a lady with her chickens in the yard.
It was nice to talk to Alene Foley the other evening. I used to go to her husband’s shop for lawnmower parts. She’s famous for fried apple pies and I’ve enjoyed some of those.
I enjoy seeing Jessica again when she’s working at Elizabeth’s Pizza. She’s good at her job.
The service on Wednesday night at church was held by The Waterwheel Revival Singers. It was wonderful to hear Barry Hutchens sing the song he wrote about the waters. What a blessing!
Please put Regina Shough on your prayer list at this time.
Hint for the freezer: In spring, clean and chop fresh rhubarb, then place 3-cup portions in freezer bags. In summer, do the same with strawberries. With the pre-measured ingredients you can make strawberry rhubarb jam whenever you want it.
1 c chopped pecans
1 c coconut
1 box Betty Crocker German Chocolate cake mix
1 box confectioner’s sugar
1 8-oz. package cream cheese
1 stick margarine
Grease and flour a 9×13-inch pan. Mix coconut and nuts together. Sprinkle on bottom of pan. Mix cake according to the directions. Pour cake mixture on top of the nuts and coconut. Melt cream cheese and margarine together, then mix confectioner’s sugar into it. Pour this on top of the cake mix. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.
Food for thought
Letting go is not giving up if you let go in order to grab the hand of God.