The weather has surely been changing a lot lately with some frost on the mountain on May 8 and a temperature of 30.
I caught a mean “ole” bug virus and it made me feel blah, but thank the Lord I’m getting better. Thanks to Connie Greer and Gloria Biggs for sending a lot of food. I froze some for later.
I hope all the mothers out there had a nice Mother’s Day with your families. I miss my mom and we were very close. Good memories will always remain.
Hummingbirds are around. Guess they wonder what happened to the sunshine. Mine spent a lot of time during all the rain around and in the azalea bushes.
I stopped by my neighbor’s house the other day and “Miss Vera” (101 years old) was eating lunch. Noonie’s hot dogs and onion rings were on the menu. She had me try one and I had the biggest onion ring. I would never argue with “Miss Vera.”
“Miss Claudine” Wood is doing well with her therapy and is walking more. She’s pleased, and the therapist is pleased. Miss Claudine is still celebrating her 97th birthday.
My neighbor Teresa makes the best turnip greens ever, in my opinion.
The women of Patrick Springs Pentecostal Holiness Church held their meeting at Blue Ridge Therapy Connection so that members Arlene Trent, Mae Mabe, and Thelma Wilson could attend. I’m sure those three special ladies were thrilled.
Linda Roberts is home and is doing well so far. Just keep her in your prayers. She had a serious surgery.
The men’s ministry of Patrick Springs Pentecostal Holiness Church cooked up a wonderful meal on Wednesday night.
Mary Ann called from D.C. It’s always good to hear from her and get all the news there. She was telling me about a pretty rooftop garden there. It sounded pretty and interesting to me. She has been enjoying all the ball games, then she was getting ready to go on a trip back home to Ohio.
Household hint: A quick trick that makes boxed pancake mix taste like homemade: just add 1 tsp. vanilla extract to your batter.
1 large squash, sliced thin
1 large Vidalia onion, sliced thin
2 or 3 new potatoes
1/2 bag baby carrots
1 green pepper, optional
1/2 stick margarine
1 package Italian seasoning mix.
In a casserole dish, layer the vegetables. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste and Italian seasoning mix. Dice margarine on top. Bake at 350 until vegetables are tender, about one hour.
Food for thought
You cannot live your life looking at yourself from someone’s point of view. Another thought: Some people will believe anything if you whisper it to them.