By Ivalien Reynolds

August is over and it went so fast. Seems I hardly saw it.
I really did enjoy the Family Fun day at Nettle Ridge Methodist Church. Everyone was so friendly and nice. The kids were having a ball playing games and lots of fun things. The food was delicious and some of the best baked beans I ever tasted. Everyone I saw had a smile on their face. Concord Methodist Church was there with that famous homemade ice cream. My favorite is the orange pineapple and they even sent me home with some. Thank you. It was a very enjoyable time.
Please keep my neighbor, Connie Greer as she has hip surgery, in your prayers.
Enjoyed being with the Martin clan on Sunday after church. They decided on Elizabeth’s Pizza. Thanks to neighbor, Larry for treating me to lunch.
I enjoyed Curtis McBride coming to visit. We talked for over two hours and enjoyed the cool evening on the porch. Also, thanks for the fresh veggies.
All the Amish books that Edie gave me made for a lot of good reading at night. Thanks and I’m enjoying the beautiful quilt also. Then at the library, I found some good Christian fiction. There is a lot there now.
A lot of people were out and about the Labor Day weekend with yard sale mania everywhere.
The Soup Kitchen will open up when they get their new dishwasher. Everyone has enjoyed a much needed break. I’ve enjoyed some free time but miss my clients.
The Slave Memorial was dedicated in Meadows of Dan recently thanks to Mr. Bob Heafner. He remembered all the history that Mr. Matt Burnette told him. I have fond memories of Bob when he lived at Meadows of Dan and I wrote for the mountain Laurel. Those were good days and lots of good memories.
Thanks to Keith Medley for always getting my trash to the dump. Sure does help me. I haven’t been to the landfill in a long time.
Also, thanks to Steve Young for making me a cute little birdhouse, I love it.
Got a lot of newspaper clippings from Mary Ann in D.C. I’m really enjoying them.
Had a good service at church on Wednesday night with brother David preaching and singing and the men cooked a good meal. Also, we had 82 people come through the food line. It was a busy time, but enjoyable.
Food for thought – Don’t be afraid of what lies ahead. God will lead his children home.
Pickled Carrots
6 medium carrots, scraped and cut in 3-inch length
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup vinegar
1 tablespoon mustard seed
2 1/2 inches broken cinnamon stick
3 whole cloves
Cook carrots in small amount of boiling, salted water for 5 minutes. Drain, cut in thin sticks. Combine next 3 ingredients and 3/4 cup water. Tie cloves and cinnamon in cloth bag, add to the vinegar mixture. Simmer for 10 minutes. Pour over carrots, cool. Refrigerate 8 hours or overnight. Drain before serving.
Apple-peach conserve
Combine 2 cups each chopped, peeled tart apples and chopped, peeled peaches. 3 cups sugar and 1/3 cup lemon juice. Cook slowly for 20 minutes. Pour onto hot scalded jars. Seal at once. Makes 4 1/2 pints.