By Pastor J. Leroy Wimbush
Fresh Harvest Christian Church (D.O.C.)
Jesus used many parables. His use of parables fulfilled Old Testament scripture (Psalm 78:2-3) of passing down the Word of God to all generations. A parable is a story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson (online dictionary). Stories are easy to remember and there is no need to focus on a long meaning. I can testify to this in that I was told the story of the hare and the tortoise when I was in grade school over 60 years ago. I can repeat the story and tell you the lesson I learned from it as well as give a few examples of how this has been applicable in my life.
In the particular passage of scripture I am sharing today, Jesus is speaking to his disciples. In Matthew 13:37-41, Jesus is explaining the parable of the wheat and weeds (Matthew 13:24-30). He is explaining of how the farmer, The Son of Man (Jesus), planted seeds in a field, which is the world. The enemy (satan, the Adversary, the tempter, the devil) came along and planted weeds. As you all may know, weeds will “choke” out a plant and kill it. Jesus goes on and tells the disciples that the weeds will be sorted out and burned in the end time and the righteous will live on. His words encourage the disciples (us) to not be concerned with “plucking” out the weed; God will do the separating.
We as believers, as Christians, are to speak, walk, teach, and preach the Word. It is our responsibility to spread the Gospel, to tell people of the goodness of the Lord. We should be presenting a light to others to bring them to Christ. We should be the walking, talking, and breathing example of Christ.
God didn’t call us to condemn the world. We should be careful of imposing man-made rules and rituals to God’s divine plan. We should be careful of criticizing and ostracizing folks because they don’t wear what we think they ought or because their walk isn’t as seasoned as ours. Our command is to teach and preach the Good News (2 Timothy 4:1-5). “Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching. (2 Timothy 4:2 NLT). We are to act on this directive until the time in which Jesus shall return.
When I was a young pastor, I would be upset with folks when they wouldn’t live according to the Word of God. I would get in my personal feelings and admonish folks from the pulpit. God disciplined me and reminded me that my assignment was (and is) to preach and teach the Gospel; give the people the Word and he will do the rest. God WILL do the rest.
I close with the final verse of the 13th Chapter of St. Matthew, “Then the righteous will shine like the sun in their Father’s Kingdom. Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand!” (NLT).
Grace and Peace be unto you.