The Patrick County Retired Teachers Association met March 7 at the Landmark Center.
Hostesses Margaret Blevins and Fern Agee welcomed members and guests. Following the blessing given by Janet Moore, everyone enjoyed a delicious meal served by the Landmark staff.
Phyllis Eastridge introduced three individuals from Radford University who gave an informative program about the university’s scholarships, grants, and opportunities for students going into the teaching profession. Kenna Colley is the dean of the College of Education and Human Development, Jocelyn Stevens is the development officer for alumni, and Jennifer Jones is a professor in the CEHD and was the recipient of a Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award.
Eastridge also announced plans for a special tour of Radford University for members of PCRTA in April.
Lena Martin, Janet Moore, and Jesse Mae Vernon led a ceremony to recognize and celebrate the life of deceased member Donna Joyce.
President Betty Perry conducted the business meeting, during which Lena Martin read the minutes of the previous meeting and Fern Agee gave the treasurer’s report. Ann Belcher, chairperson for the nominations committee, presented the slate of officers for 2016-2018: president, Betty Perry; vice president, Lena Martin; secretary, Martha Hans; treasurer, Fern Agee; and reporter, Ann Belcher.
Barbara Pendleton reported that her committee will be meeting soon to select the scholarship recipient for 2016. Relay for Life chairperson Carol Vernon distributed forms and encouraged members to donate to and participate in the 2016 Relay for Life walk to be held in May.
Betty Perry and Phyllis Eastridge read notes of thanks from the following organizations which have received donations and other help from PCRTA: the Patrick County Developmental Center, the Patrick County Food Bank, Christmas Cheer, Blue Ridge Therapy Connection, and the Patrick County Food Drive. PCRTA will also donate $140 to help a child attend 4-H camp this summer.
Virginia Retired Teachers Association President Phyllis Eastridge encouraged members to attend the state meeting in Blackstone on April 25-26. Former Patrick County student Stewart Roberson will be the keynote speaker.
Margaret Blevins presented the door prize to Ann Belcher, and President Perry adjourned the meeting.
Ann Belcher