Patrick & Henry Community College (P&HCC) has been designated a Leader College of Distinction by Achieving the Dream (ATD), a national nonprofit dedicated to advancing community colleges as hubs of equity and mobility in their communities.

“Patrick & Henry Community College is honored to be one of only six schools in the nation to receive this important designation, which highlights our success in increasing retention and closing economic opportunity gaps,” said P&HCC president Dr. Greg Hodges, adding, “It is especially significant to us to recertify as a Leader College of Distinction, having been one of the original 26 colleges to join ATD in 2004.”
ATD created the Leader College of Distinction award in 2018 to recognize colleges that have pursued and met challenging student success goals, often earning Leader College status several times. Leader Colleges of Distinction must show improvement in three or more student outcome metrics, including at least one lagging indicator such as completion or transfer with an earned baccalaureate. Leader Colleges of Distinction are also required to show they have reduced equity gaps in at least two metrics for at least two student groups. These requirements recognize and motivate sustained and proactive reform efforts that result in greater improvements in student success and equity.
Patrick & Henry Community College was also presented with a special 20th anniversary award at ATD’s annual DREAM conference: the Network Legend Award. Since 2004, ATD has worked with its network to innovate in response to the world’s current reality. The Network Legend Award recognized the 15 colleges that began their partnership with ATD in 2004 and celebrates their longevity in the Network.
P&HCC is part of the ATD Network, made up of 300+ colleges committed to advancing equity and supporting student success at their institutions and throughout their communities. P&HCC has been a member of the ATD Network since 2004.
ATD is a partner and champion of more than 300 community colleges across the country. Drawing on expert coaches, groundbreaking programs, and national peer network, the organization provides institutions with integrated, tailored support for every aspect of their work — from foundational capacities such as leadership, data, and equity to intentional strategies for supporting students holistically, building K–12 partnerships, and more. ATD calls this Whole College Transformation. Its vision is for every college to be a catalyst for equitable, antiracist, and economically vibrant communities. ATD knows that with the right partner and the right approach, colleges can drive access, completion rates, and employment outcomes — so that all students can access life-changing learning that propels them into community-changing careers. Follow ATD on X (Twitter), Facebook, and LinkedIn. To learn more, visit the Achieving the Dream (ATD) website: